Discussion Forum

Heartless Sacrifice


Just a weird little something.
Posted 04 December 2011 at 20:35


I like it but im not sure why you would run Throne of Empires with heartless summoning... but other then that i like the direction its going. mimic vat and wurmcoil always funny to watch people play that combo of hate.
Posted 07 December 2011 at 08:17


[QUOTE=severedpsycho]I like it but im not sure why you would run Throne of Empires with heartless summoning... but other then that i like the direction its going. mimic vat and wurmcoil always funny to watch people play that combo of hate.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it's quite simple. When I use the throne ability, I create 1/1 tokens, which die, triggering the noble and rage thrower abilities.
Posted 07 December 2011 at 12:55


well the way i looked at it is that you need all 3 arts to pimp out 5 1/1s. then after that have rage or noble out then also have heartless summoning. bu control will stop that from happening. then wolf run if you dont have good removel will get through your def before you have the chance to play all of that out. then sunblast will do the same... like i said i love the idea but its just alot of bs to do for a chance to do a great deal of damage. o also id get rid of one doom blade and replace it with a GFTT just in case you need some black removel.
Posted 08 December 2011 at 03:07


opps... i thought you were running 3 doom blades. most of changed it from yesterday or i might have looked at something else. my b
Posted 08 December 2011 at 03:10


[QUOTE=severedpsycho]opps... i thought you were running 3 doom blades. most of changed it from yesterday or i might have looked at something else. my b[/QUOTE]

It did change, but it's going to go through a huge revision right now, one moment.

EDIT: Done

Posted 09 December 2011 at 15:58
