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Please Help out with my deck!
Hello everyone! I'm going to my first Pro Tour Qualifications in a month, and I am interested in building a certain deck for it! The standard deck can be found in the link below:
So as I said, its my first Pro Tour, so I was hoping you guys can give me tips about how to better this deck! I really need the help, because I know this deck has a lot of potential but its not quite there. I think a few of the cards could be replaced with better cards, so its worth a good look :)
Also, if you have any tips or knowledge on how PTQ works, please inform me! I don't mind telling people I'm new but I don't want to make people annoyed by making them wait for me who knows nothing!
Okay, so I'll start pointing out a few things I feel are the problems or points of potential of this deck.
1. Milling Consistency - I've never used a mill deck before, so I don't know if the mill cards I have so far are actually the best cards in standard for milling. Are there any good m12 milling cards? (I didn't look through m12 as intensely)
2. Mirror-Mad Phantasm - I feel there is a level of inconsistency with this card. Is that true? I feel like in the case of my deck, it would work well. Do you people feel it is the case as well?
3. Essence of the Wild/Unburial Rites - Is there a large enough probability that a sufficient amount of Essence of the Wilds and Unburial Rites are revealed?
4. Are there any other methods of mana acceleration similar to mulch? - Mulch works really well in this deck but I was hoping there would be something nice to fit in as another mana gen, considering i have a lot of high mana cost cards.
5. Gnaw to the Bone - Is it worth it? Main Deck? Side Deck?
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Posted 02 December 2011 at 06:31
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I think it will really throw off the usual decks ran at a ptq (the same three decks throughout) one thing i could suggest is runnin scaab ruinator. your running 18 creatures so it wouldnt be to hard to get him in the graveyard and paying the costs to get him out. 5 flying third turn can be devistading if you have the counters to keep him out. but even if he does get removed o well exile another 3 creatures and bring him out again.
Posted 07 December 2011 at 08:27
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