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Standard Tezzeret

I want to run a Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas deck in Standard but I hate running decks that someone else built so I'm just looking for a reliable source of what people were running when the Tezzeret deck was popular so I know what to avoid playing for the most part.

Any know where I can find a reliable deck list for Tezzeret decks in Standard?
Posted 29 November 2011 at 00:05


Posted 29 November 2011 at 08:16


Sweet. Thanks, Seth. Much appreciation.
Posted 29 November 2011 at 08:43


So I decided to combine the Silver Bullet idea with a Tezzeret control idea and this is what I've got started: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=267267.

Aptly named, "Tezzeret's Silver Bullet", it uses a lot more artifacts than the Silver Bullet deck, replacing most of the spells with artifacts that have similar effects which help build towards Tezzeret's -4 ability.

So, of course, it's built around Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. His +1 ability is really the only card advantage in the deck. In a pinch, I can turn one of the Orbs into a creature to help with combat. I'd definitely rather build to his -4 ability if I can, though.

I kept the Steel Hellkite which gives the deck two big threats: A big creature that can wipe permanents off the table (particularly helpful against hexproof permanents) and Tezzeret's -4 ability.

In the meantime, there's Torpor Orb to nullify the main purpose for creatures like Snapcaster Mage and slow down the effects of creatures like the Primeval Titan and Sun Titan.

I kept Witchbane Orb to help against RDW (any targeted burn and Koth of the Hammer's big ability) as well as Liliana of the Veil's "Target player sacrifices a creature" ability and similar effects (Geth's Verdict, Tribute to Hunger, etc.) It also helps protect Tezzeret since they would have to target me in order to redirect the damage to him. Of course, it also contributes to Tezzeret's -4 ability.

At the moment, Steel Hellkite is the only boardwipe-ish effect I have. Just like in the Silver Bullet deck, my options are Black Sun's Zenith, Life's Finale and Day of Judgment. I'm thinking Black Sun's Zenith since it can be cheap and I can use Hex Parasites to eat the counters off of my creatures. If I really need to pull that off and I already have a Hex Parasite on the board then I can bounce it with Disperse then use the Black Sun's Zenith. I may sideboard Day of Judgment just in case they're playing really big creatures like Titans that Black Sun's Zenith won't be able to get rid of easily.

While I also have Dispatch, Lux Cannon is taking care of spot removal. While it builds up counters and takes out non-creature problems, I've got Blinding Souleater and Disperse to slow down creatures.

Mana Leak is definitely in there. Different from Silver Bullet, I used Stoic Rebuttal instead of Dissipate since Stoic Rebuttal is likely to be easier to cast.

I threw in Elixir of Immortality as filler, honestly. I do want an early game drop and I really don't think it's the best choice. I have Mox Opals, but I think I'd rather stick to control rather than any type of mana acceleration. I'd prefer something that I wouldn't have to spend more than 2 mana on, but I'm not sure what to do there. Also, preferably an artifact of some kind to contribute to Tezzeret's -4 ability.

Edit: Already contemplating a couple of things: Shrine of Loyal Legions to give me a bunch of chump-blockers and possibly a big contribution to Tezzeret's -4 ability or Crown of Empires to slow creatures down a bit more.
Posted 03 December 2011 at 14:08
