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Could use some help with my Mono-Black Zombie Horde

Here is the deck as it stands right now:


3x Mimic Vat

4x Skinrender
4x Cemetery Reaper
3x Grave Titan
4x Diregraf Ghoul
3x Unbreathing Horde

4x Endless Ranks of the Dead

22x Swamp

4x Distress
3x Doom Blade
3x Altar's Reap
3x Ghoulcaller's Chant

3x Mind Rot
4x Victim of Night

As I've stated in the description, the idea is to use creature removal and discards to stall while I build up the zombie horde.

I don't want this deck to be too expensive (hence the reason I have taken Victim of Night over Go For the Throat). The only exception is the Grave Titans, because I already have them.

I'm still in the process of acquiring all the cards, so I don't have any experience with this deck on the ground yet. There's a bunch of stuff in the mail, though, so it won't be too long now.

I am thinking of adding some Vengeful Pharaohs to the sideboard to add some deterrence to mill decks. Is he a successful deterrent in practice? What cards would be the best targets for swapping out? (I'm thinking a Grave Titan and a Skinrender). Witchbane Orb is also something I am considering for the sideboard to counter curse/discard decks.

I am also considering adding some two-drop creatures to the deck, either a few Walking Corpses or some Disciple of Griselbrands. The Zombears have better synergy with Ghoulcaller's chant and Endless Ranks of the Dead, but the Disciple can set up the Mimic Vats and has more flexibility in combat (sacrificing chump blockers).

Some thoughts (and possibly likes ;)) would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 20 November 2011 at 20:59


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