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Looking for some opinions......
a trample deck i have put together. i have won numerous times against friends with this deck, but it is a bit weak to caster decks. Any suggestions would be apprieciated, and ill like/check out ur decks as well if u do the same for me. Thanks!
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Posted 16 November 2011 at 20:18
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So 11 people checked it out? and not one comment.... i figured it was scary but really c-mon guys lol.
Posted 17 November 2011 at 01:21
50 posts
I don't know about other people, but when I see a deck list that mostly consists of 1 or 2 copies of each card, I really don't care to go through the whole thing to figure out what the deck does. When it's as straightforward an idea as creatures with Trample, you should be able to keep it a lot simpler than that. At first glance, you've got way too much going on for this idea.
You also either posted this deck in the wrong board as it's not Standard legal or you put some cards in the deck that aren't Standard legal with the intention of it being Standard legal. The sets currently legal in Standard are Scars of Mirrodin, Mirrodin Besieged, New Phyrexia, M12 and Innistrad.
Posted 17 November 2011 at 06:27
0 posts
Well. thanks for at least answering lol. It all the cards i could basically get my hands on atm, in the future, ill reduce abunch and make them a bit more focused. thanks for the respone! < I also just started playing again recently, so not up to date on the current standard decks, sorry about posting in the wrong forum >
Posted 18 November 2011 at 02:46
19 posts
I agree with Adam and, it is in fact one of the biggest difficulties for me, who refuses to buy the cards I need and then lets my collection dictate my deck.
Especially with a such a single-minded deck as this, you should have playsets of as many creatures as possible. you should have another llanowar or the frontier guide and the battlement is designed for a multi-defender deck so I would recommend subbing that for llanowar as well. I would also say you aren't running enough elves to use the Emissary or any card that is elf-specific.
If you're going to go for a trample deck, go balls to the walls and get rid of any creature that doesn't trample (other than llanowar which, for my money, is a staple. Also, instead of going for such high-cost creatures, go for lower cost ones and pump them up with some counters (either temporary or permanent). The rule I was given is: More than 6 mana and it should be a game winning card. Personally, I try to run cards that cost no more than 5 as much as possible and the cards that are more expensive I treat as one of many win conditions for the deck.
I don't know if this will let you down as much as it did when I realized it about my g/w aggro but, tree of redemption is not helping you in any way. It's a stall tactic unless you build a deck around it which you clearly haven't. Seems like such a useful ability but, it's unfortunately nothing useful.
Since I don't feel like sifting through and figuring out which cards should be multiplied and which should be removed, I'll give you my essential breakdown for how I think a trample deck should be built:
-All creatures that cost more than 4 to play should have a P/T equal to their CMC+1
-All creatures should have trample or "T: add one :manag: to your pool"
-Spells should all boost your creatures with counters. If you are drawing short on land, stack shuffle, check your curve, then remove creatures/add land as necessary to find the balance.
-Extra mana comes from 1-drop creatures early on just until you can get the mana through land. Don't rely on mana so easily destructible.
-Flood the board with creatures. A trample deck is definitely aggro.
*Specific to your build: Evolving wilds does no good. Replacing those with forests means that you would draw forests those turns instead of playing the evolving wild then drawing a forest. It's meant more for multicolored decks where you can drop it in a pinch to get a specific color for a specific card.
Of course, this is all just one guy's opinion and I'm sure plenty of people will have other suggestions. But, for building a trample deck, I think this is the way to go. Cheap, effective creatures bolstered by cheap effective spells.
Posted 18 November 2011 at 02:46
0 posts
Wow, thank you very much for the info! i plan on tweaking this later today sometime, the only thing i like the tree of redemption, is if im down low, and happen to have pekalla wurm in my hand, i can go back to 13 life with tree, and use pekalla, which gives u seven when entering the battlefield. Although this combo doesnt really come up 2 often as i only have one of each type lol..... Thank u again for the feedback
Posted 18 November 2011 at 14:59
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