Discussion Forum


Friday is my first DCI sanction constructed tournament (Yes, it's just FNM. You gotta start somewhere) I've done SOMEresearch and it looks like RDW, UW or WW saints and GW Aggro are the big contenders. However, this does not really really address my concern which is... do I have to use a deck fitting these archetypes or would RB stand a chance against my competition?

My deck is constantly being modified so at this point, anything RB and Aggro is what I'm looking for. I'm also trying to board solid black control in case black doesn't aid the aggro in a full-on match against someone who plays rough.

Currently, my R/B aggro deck is outdated but here's the link so you can see the updated one (just a matter of getting online at home to do it). Wont be more than an hour or two after this post
Posted 16 November 2011 at 00:52


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