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Can I get some comments
I have a new deck idea i want out there and I want some opinions on my first draft deck list. The way you want it to work is pod up to massacre wurm and then pod it under a vat hopefully with lives on the field but their are plenty of other things that can be done along the way.
7 posts
Posted 14 November 2011 at 21:35
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Of course, I'm not a pro by any stretch but, here's the change that grabbed me first.
For the casting cost of massacre wurm, you could play a Wurmcoil engine, which, having deathtouch, is essentially just as good. In some cases it could be better. Instead of taking out a bunch of your opponents little guys or hurting their big guys for a turn, you can keep them debating whether its worth the attack or block. Not to mention that when the engine dies, you get the extra two wurms. Combined with Metamorph and Mimic Vat, that's an incredibly solid combo, IMO.
Vengeful Pharaoh is a decent card but, only running one at such a high price makes him less useful to you than you're thinking. The same thing applies to bloodgift. I would cut out one and double the other in the deck, to keep things simple as far as the pods go. In that situation, I'd actually cut the bloodgift and add another Pharaoh
A buddy of mine who also runs a Pod deck gave me this theory:
You're deck should have as many copies of as few cards as possible in order to ensure consistent effectiveness.
I might sub out the ragers for a more direct creature v creature creature, if that makes sense. Something along the lines of skinrender but for 2 or 3 mana max. A creature with intimidate would be okay but, I'm thinking about something that can take out other creatures or something that can regenerate. Something that makes it worth your opponent using a spell that they would otherwise save for some of your bigger hitters or combo in general.
The problem as I see it is that in general, your combo wont be starting until turn three. With innistrad out, hopefully decks will slow down but, serious competitors try to have already won the game by then.
Overall, it's a good deck that needs a few tweaks to make it a great one.
This is just one amateur's opinion but I strive to be successful and assume that more seasoned players will agree or correct any mistakes I made!
Hopefully this helped or at least inspired some ideas!
Posted 15 November 2011 at 22:38
0 posts
I'm not the most experienced player either but I feel like i do have a few things i can say about this deck, I feel like Wurmcoil engine is much better than a massacre wurm in that respect I agree with cob, deathtouch on a 6/6 isn't that impressive but lifelink and the tokens are so powerful especially in a pod deck. "Ill hit you for 6 gain 6 sac my wurmcoil get two 3/3s put wurmcoil on mimic vat and fetch a sheoldred" Lmao how could you do any better than that? However, I feel like the four birds as well as the number of glissa's you have is too many, I feel like 3 would be enough. Also for birds you could easily run just 2 and get by with it, every good pod deck I have played only ran one bird. Since your not planning on hard casting any of your big guys I don't think you need the ramp that 4 birds gives you. I also strongly believe that removal spells will greatly increase your livability and will help you get out the big guys with your pod. Ive never seen a pod deck ran with mimic vat but the idea is very impressive. Especially with the number of enter triggers you have.
Those are just my thoughts, don't listen to them if you think they are false which they very well may be lol.
Posted 15 November 2011 at 22:56
19 posts
[QUOTE=TheTurtleMilitia]"Ill hit you for 6 gain 6 sac my wurmcoil get two 3/3s put wurmcoil on mimic vat and fetch a sheoldred" Lmao how could you do any better than that?[/QUOTE]
Also, The point about the birds is good. My buddy's pod deck in fact runs 3 wurmcoils and one BOP.
As far as removal spells or whatever else you would use to round out the deck, keep it low-cost and direct. Break your opponent's most critical structures by using black to keep them on the discard (rather than having a few cards which can draw you up). Creature sac would also be good to but, with 4 pods, you mostly want the lower creatures to pull out the big guys and some discard to prevent your opponent's response. Keep yourself on top of the stack.
Posted 15 November 2011 at 23:16
7 posts
This is just a very rough rough draft I thought about wurmcoil engine myself but i was wanting to put them in a different deck. I could cut the birds back I've never run a pod deck myself so i really need to try it out before I make any tweeks to it. Please keep the ideas up though
Posted 15 November 2011 at 23:49
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