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Changing RDW for the better?

here is my first attempt at making a deck i've been toying with for a while. I'm very unhappy with RDW in the current standard block. I just don't think it has the kick it should. This an attempt to add a mid game to the deck somewhat, in the form of curse of stalked prey and creature control with fiend hunter and o-ring. I sadly did not include shrine of burning rage but i also squeezed in Mikeus the lunarch. my biggest problem atm though is trying to figure out what to remove in order to squeeze in more two drops, which are severly lacking atm in this build. I know elite inquis would fit in perfect being a human, and with champion of the parish involved, BUT i also really like spectral rider who has intimidate which works so well with curse of stalked prey.

all comments are greatly appreciated, i want to run this deck in standard tournaments, and I'm trying to figure out what it still needs. sideboard still in the works, but i'm sure i'll have vulshok refuge for the rdw halfway mirror.

here is the deck and thanks in advance for looking.
Posted 13 November 2011 at 02:04


Your deck doesn't have any kick because you removed all the Damage Spells and replaced them with Creatures. You also added a second color to the deck, which actually slows it down.

Mirran Crusader has a heavy two White Mana (:manaw::manaw:) Cost for a Red Mana (:manar:) deck. It slows you down.

Champion of the Parish is not as good a card as everyone seems to think. It requires you to play Humans exclusively, and it gets less and less relevant every Turn if you don't play it on the first Turn.

Fiend Hunter also has a heavy two White Mana (:manaw::manaw:) Cost for a Red Mana (:manar:) deck, and it's space is replacing valuable Damage Spells. The same thing goes for Oblivion Ring.

Mentor of the Meek slows you down by increasing the Cost of your Creatures by one Mana (:mana1:) to Draw a card.

Reckless Waif slows you down by forcing you to skip a Turn, if you want to use its full potential.
Posted 13 November 2011 at 03:13


these are all things i'm aware of. the deck is slowed down, so i guess i shouldn't have said sped up. but it has fiend hunter and oblivion ring to clear thier board so your curse of stalked prey can pump you up.

i guess this is a deck based more on mid game then super fast early game.

also yes i agree with you on champion, i have been back and forth on including him or not.
Posted 13 November 2011 at 03:41


I play a very strong R/W deck focused mostly on white. I had so many problems building my deck. I couldn't decide whether to run heavy red creatures or heavy white creatures. I found that with heavy red creatures whit did little to nothing in terms of helping me win since the low power of white spells besides creatures. I found at that point it just made more sense to go all red which I didn't want to do since I wanted to use the sheer power of Hero of Bladehold. Then I tried a balanced deck with about half and half. There I found that the builds of mana and my turns got screwed up since I wanted to play mirrans and stormbloods and Heroes and usually i didnt have the right mana for them... I see very easily that what you have in your deck doesn't build on itself like it should. You have spectral riders but then you have multiple red one drops. This means that you wont ever be able to have both in the same turn by turn build in the early game. The deck build that I currently use builds on itself so well. I have all white creatures with minimal white spells and a lot of burn. The idea is to clear the battlefield with burn in the early turns to make way for my hero turn four and then my second hero turn five. I agree with debloch that the things you have in your deck slow you down such as waif and mentor. I see your want for draw and I need that as well in my deck. I tried putting them in my deck and it slowed it down so much. I constantly thought about the extra mana it costed in order to get the full potential of mentor. This meant that I was waiting till turn four for Mirrans and turn five for my first hero just so i can draw. I added Tezzeret's gambit into my deck in order to make it a little better in the mid game after all my cards are on the field. Also, since you are running a lot of counters I think the proliferate would greatly help you in that regard to.
Those are my thoughts, take them as you will.
Posted 16 November 2011 at 04:57
