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Standard Deck Development
New Player with a Red/Black Aggro Deck
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to tweak this deck & make it better. I know I need to remove Liliana Vess because she isn't standard but from a deck that started out casual I think I have built this up pretty nicely. What do you think? What could I do better?
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Posted 13 November 2011 at 01:22
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Generally good. Liliana is control, not aggro. Don't play her. If you have one, it would do more good to add a second sorin. Dark favor is of limited use, I'd add another Curse and pump up your creatures with that instead of putting all your eggs in one basket. My black/red slow-aggro currently runs 3 of those and I would like a fourth.
I would say that the bloodgift and Skirksdag high Priest are cards that are more effective in multiple than in single. Personally, I'd sub out the outcasts and either one of those for three more of the other or just the outcasts for one more of each. Either way, 2/2 for 4 is expensive and forcing yourself to wait for their morbid effect to make them valuable will hurt more than help. Lifelink only matters if you care about life.
I'm torn on the Hero of Oxide Ridge. I see the use but, as Innistrad goes, I'm not sure how often he'll turn out useful. By the time you've gotten to him, there will be few 1/* creatures on the table. Better creature stopping would be to sub him for skinrender. I would actually put three in replacing him, liliana (if you dont have another sorin), and dark favor.
aside from that and the few earlier comments, this is a solid deck. I hope I get to play against some other black/red, which is not big in the environment right now :(
Generally, its a good draft but, could use a few revisions.
Posted 15 November 2011 at 23:41
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I recently acquired another Curse so I will definitely be putting that in. I had planned to move Liliana into my EDH deck anyway - thanks for letting me know she is a control card. Deck tech is something that is very new to me as I have only just started playing Magic a few weeks ago but I am learning.
I will definitely take your other advice into consideration. It was definitely enlightening & helpful!
Posted 22 November 2011 at 02:12
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