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Legacy Deck Development
Looking for opinions/advice
Hey everyone!
I've been using the website for a couple months, but never posted anything on the forums. I'm looking for some advice or opinion, on my main deck mostly, so I thought about posting here!
My main deck , Wolf/Elf (Green) :
Merfolks (Blue/White) :
Vampire (Black) :
Elemental (Red/Black) :
Goblin (Red) :
Thank in advance!
4 posts
Posted 10 November 2011 at 19:27
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27 posts
only a couple things here.
1) your vamp deck. i would drop the quag vampires and the guul draz assassins. yes they're 1 drops but it costs too much mana to use their abilities and be useful.
2) i dont think your goblin deck should have a game long enough to need to drop the chancellor.
3) i dont know enough about what the other decks usually run to possibly suggest anything that could be better
hope this helps
Posted 28 January 2012 at 12:15
27 posts
only a couple things here.
1) your vamp deck. i would drop the quag vampires and the guul draz assassins. yes they're 1 drops but it costs too much mana to use their abilities and be useful.
2) i dont think your goblin deck should have a game long enough to need to drop the chancellor.
3) i dont know enough about what the other decks usually run to possibly suggest anything that could be better
hope this helps
Posted 28 January 2012 at 12:22
349 posts
You should read up on deck building theory and mana curve. I only looked at your 'main' deck but it's a real issue. Fixing that deck isn't a small matter, there would be very little left if I would attempt to optimize it.
NightLoki wrote a small intro on the subject of curves in the article section
I'm sure if you google 'mtg deck building' and 'mtg mana curve' you'll find some interesting articles.
Currently your deck doesn't run much land, enough to get to turn 3 without missing a land drop most of the time. You don't have much mana acceleration and some of it starts at CC4 which is really bad as it doesn't help you out of a mana screw situation.
Most of your spells start at CC4 meaning you won't play anything to defend yourself in the first few turns of the game and as of turn 4 best case you'll start playing at a real slow pace. Basically you'll loose to every deck archetype there is. Aggresive decks will chew you up in 4 turns with nothing to stop them and control decks will be given enough time to take total control over you and your deck.
Posted 31 January 2012 at 08:17
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