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Silver Bullet (Answers to Everything)

2x Steel Hellkite
2x Torpor Orb

4x Oblivion Ring
2x Nevermore

3x Drowned Catacomb
3x Glacial Fortress
4x Plains
5x Island
3x Swamp
4x Ghost Quarter
2x Isolated Chapel

4x Dispense Justice
3x Disperse
4x Stoic Rebuttal
2x Memoricide
3x Vapor Snag
4x Surgical Extraction
2x Day of Judgment
4x Mana Leak
4x Dissipate

4x Revoke Existence
3x Black Sun's Zenith
4x Mental Misstep
2x Hex Parasite
2x Elixir of Immortality

The idea behind this deck is to have an answer to anything that comes up at any given time. As I've put in its description, it has handled Solar Flare well. I had a problem against a Thrun in a Wolf Run deck, but have since added Dispense Justice to deal with it. It slows RDW down a bit, but still struggles against it. I'm looking for ideas to make it more efficient if ya have any.

The deck is posted here, if you want to draw some sample hands to see how it runs.

Here's a breakdown of each card's purpose. If you have better ideas, please share them:

Steel Hellkite is both boardwipe and the win condition which isn't meant to be played until I have their side of the board under control and I have enough mana to keep it protected with the various spells.

Torpor Orb has done a good job of handling Titans, Acidic Slimes and Simulacrums and it gets out earlier than all of them.

Oblivion Ring is the back-up answer to everything that slips past a counter spell and doesn't have hexproof or shroud.

Nevermore is meant to target win conditions, whatever they may be.

Dispense Justice was put in for Thrun, but it's helpful against any attacking creature, particularly those with hexproof or shroud.

Disperse is both a stall tactic and a way to reuse O-Rings or Nevermores, should a more important target come up.

Stoic Rebuttal, Dissipate and Mana Leak are obviously there to stop things from hitting the board.

While there's an extremely slim chance of getting Metalcraft, Stoic Rebuttal is there just in case it does happen.

Dissipate is best used against spells with Flashback. I've had to use it against a deck that heavily relies on things being in the graveyard and spells like Gnaw to the Bone and Spider Spawning. Spider Spawning, in particular, was a problem if it even resolved once. It's also been helpful against Unburial Rites in Solar Flare.

Mana Leak is the best counter spell option since the deck is three colors. Even with lands that produce multiple colors of mana, there's no guarantee of getting two blue.

Memoricide is another method of going after win conditions or heavy hitters.

Vapor Snag keeps low-cost, early creatures from getting too much damage through, stalls high-damage creatures until a more efficient answer is drawn and softens up an opponent for a late-game Steel Hellkite.

Surgical Extraction is for any card that's stopped once, but other copies could become a problem later in the game. I've used it to target Mana Leak on multiple occasions. I've also removed Sun Titans which got rid of my opponent's only heavy hitter.

Since the deck lacks an abundance of creatures, creature-swarm decks could overrun it fairly easily as well as decks built around hexproof or shroud. Day of Judgment is there to handle those types of problems.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 00:07


Ever hear of the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none?" Your deck is good at finding answers to almost anything, but then it provides no threats of its own.

For decks that have very little threats themselves, like Solar Flare, you can easily keep them under your Control.

For faster and more aggressive decks, like RDW or Wolf Run, you will probably find yourself being able to Control them in the beginning, but their threats will eventually get through when you run out of ways to answer them.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 01:29


[QUOTE=DBloch2012]Ever hear of the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none?" Your deck is good at finding answers to almost anything, but then it provides no threats of its own.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I've heard the phrase and the great thing about a jack-of-all-trades is that it can switch to tactics its opposition can't handle.

Saying the has "no threats" is a bit of an exaggeration and isn't really constructive.

[quote]For decks that have very little threats themselves, like Solar Flare, you can easily keep them under your Control.[/quote]

Yeah, that's what it does.

[QUOTE]For faster and more aggressive decks, like RDW or Wolf Run, you will probably find yourself being able to Control them in the beginning, but their threats will eventually get through when you run out of ways to answer them.[/QUOTE]

As I put in the post and the deck description, I've played it against Wolf Run and RDW. Once again, Thrun was a problem in Wolf Run which is why I added Dispense Justice.

The main problem I have is with RDW which is why I came here to get some constructive input.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 05:48


Constructive? I can do that. This card pretty much beats up Shrine of Burning Rage.


You seem to have enough answers left for the Creatures and burn Spells, so I don't know what else to suggest.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 05:54


It also stops me from using the Steel Hellkite's abilities. Since it's the only threat, I don't want to hamper it. I had Phyrexian Revoker in the original deck idea and it got similar interference from Torpor Orb.

At this point, I think I'm looking for creatures or other potential threats that do the same thing or something very similar to what other cards in the deck already do. Or maybe just creatures with different abilities altogether that are just as effective.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 09:33


Does Solar Flare take up such a portion of the meta that you can play extraction mainboard? I like playing pure control in Legacy (like various Landstill variants) and I only side in my surgical extractions against pure graveyard decks. I don't have a choice simply because extraction doesn't deal with immidiate problems, it's win more. Every good legacy player I've met shares this opinion.

Your deck is of interest to me though as I'll be attending a FNM Standard tournament next week and I'll be playing Standard for the first time since Jund was running wild. I was thinking of playing UB control witch has pretty much the same concept as your deck, answer every problem they throw at you until they break (As it's it's a playstyle I'm used to). I think Snapcaster is a very important card for such a deck though and I'll be playing Karn as well, he's a pretty awesome as a finisher.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 12:26


[QUOTE=Seth]Does Solar Flare take up such a portion of the meta that you can play extraction mainboard? I like playing pure control in Legacy (like various Landstill variants) and I only side in my surgical extractions against pure graveyard decks. I don't have a choice simply because extraction doesn't deal with immidiate problems, it's win more. Every good legacy player I've met shares this opinion.[/QUOTE]

The only two decks that show up at our local FNM is Solar Flare and Wolf Run which typically has 20+ players at it. There is the occasional player that doesn't usually play Standard and showed up with a deck idea of their own, but they're rare and usually don't make it very far. Aside from that, I like being able to get rid of all copies of an important card in my opponent's deck once I've stopped the first one. It's proven to be effective so far.

[QUOTE]Your deck is of interest to me though as I'll be attending a FNM Standard tournament next week and I'll be playing Standard for the first time since Jund was running wild. I was thinking of playing UB control witch has pretty much the same concept as your deck, answer every problem they throw at you until they break (As it's it's a playstyle I'm used to). I think Snapcaster is a very important card for such a deck though and I'll be playing Karn as well, he's a pretty awesome as a finisher.[/QUOTE]

The last UB Control deck I remember seeing at FNM was built around Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. I don't remember it being effective enough to top, but that could have been the player or the player's particular take on the deck.

Snapcaster is important, but more expensive (monetarily) than I can to dole out for it.
Posted 09 November 2011 at 13:09


The last UB Control deck I remember seeing at FNM was built around Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. I don't remember it being effective enough to top, but that could have been the player or the player's particular take on the deck.

Snapcaster is important, but more expensive (monetarily) than I can to dole out for it.[/QUOTE]

Having white would open up the possibility of Day of Judgement like you're playing which I really like. Spot removal is fine but doesn't create cardadvantage and against really fast decks with one drops a 2 mana doomblade might be to slow (at least such is the case in Modern, you can't stop agressive zoo builds with black spot removal alone).
My main problem for standard is the manabase. I still have the M10 duals that were reprinted in M11 but I don't have the newer duals and I have to borrow them from friends. Something I don't mind doing for a serious tournament but for something as casual as FNM I do with what I have.

Snapcasters I have because they're absurd in legacy and not having them was just not an option. But yeah they're expensive and I traded away a lot of cards to get my set.

Posted 09 November 2011 at 14:00


i posted this in the last silver bullet deck thread too.

Witchbane Orb is your answer to rdw. it's almost in itself an answer to everything. such as liliana's -2, curse of stalked prey, koth's ult, ect. ect.

basically it's awesome and i'm sad to see you have a well built silver bullet deck and don't even mention it.

also it's worth mentioning that i go to fnm in houston in which all players copy thier wolf run and thier solar flare off the interweb and my fnm has around 30 players all with copied decks. i came in with my own deck design and took 1st. here is the link, my intention was also a silver bullet to a certain extent...

Posted 10 November 2011 at 00:22


Good call on the Witchbane Orb! Tweak time.
Posted 10 November 2011 at 06:39


np it's what I'm here for =D
Posted 11 November 2011 at 00:07


I'm thinking about stripping white from the deck entirely. Dispense Justice can be replaced with Geth's Verdict and Day of Judgment can be replaced by Black Sun's Zenith. Losing Oblivion Ring hurts and I'm not sure what to replace it with.
Posted 11 November 2011 at 04:23


oh dude, well of course this is just my opinion but i loveeeeeee white for control/silver bullet. I dunno man, i play an all white deck for standard atm and i just couldn't see you stripping white and it being stronger.

But that's just my thoughts, it all boils down to what you want really.

edit- i just relooked the deck and would almost recommend you remove black and replace everything but leave surgical extraction of course. maybe run 4 fiend hunters. also suture priest rocks the pants off of stupid sun and grave titans as an fyi.
Posted 12 November 2011 at 16:53


Surgical Extraction and Memoricide have both been really important and effective in the deck. I can't bring myself to get rid of either of them. I may go back to Dispense Justice over Geth's Verdict since I only need one colored mana for it instead of two. I have to sit and wait for a 2nd black mana a few times for Geth's Verdict.

I tried Life's Finale for board wipe to see what it could do in the deck since it also gets 3 creatures from their deck into the graveyard, giving targets for Surgical Extraction, but it's just too slow for this deck. I'll be going back to Day of Judgment and I might splash a couple Black Sun's Zenith in as well.

Oblivion Ring is definitely staying in.

Thanks for the input and I'm looking forward to more.
Posted 16 November 2011 at 00:45
