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Mono Black Aggressive.


Been thinking about how to improve this, Just seems to lack early game stuff apart from removal and the Distress'. Was running a similar strategy with some blue for protection and draw power but alot so far just advised to go mono black.

Preferably would like to keep the 4 obliterator's and lashwrithe's and keeping the artifacts as they are.

Thanks in advance for any advice and criticism.
Posted 07 November 2011 at 01:12


What is your endgame? It seems like you put in a bunch of different bombs with which to win games.

If you are running an aggressive deck, as you say in the title, you'll want to lower the curve quite a bit and focus more on lower cost beaters to allow for some early game tempo. I'm not exactly sure what creatures you'd want to have, but cheap, evasive beaters like duskhunter bat or the efficient Diregraf Ghoul to put early pressure on while you wait to draw out your Obliterators.

In fact, all you would need for your endgame would be the obliterators and/or Grave titan, and short of extraction you would have the game pretty well down after landing one. Other bombs, while they might seem like a great choice to have would be redundant or subpar for their manacost considering the sheer strength of these two. Think, the obliterator is 5 damage to the face that the opponent will be quite wary of to block, and not much short of dismember can stop it.

Grave titan provides a phenomenal 14 points of damage when he firsts attack onto your side of the field, he is the biggest bomb you can possibly lay in black at the moment. I would reccomend dropping your other bombs and running a couple of him.

Sorin Markov is, in my opinion, the worst planeswalker ever printed. You would be better off running another liliana in his place.

Diabolic tutor is just, meh for the cost. It wants to be so much better, but using 4 mana to grab a card locks down your board for a turn, which could lead to getting overwhelmed. It's better in an aggressive deck to take cards that will increase your tempo, since aggressive decks want to put in lethal damage as fast as possible. Most time they want to push for lethal no later than turn 5 or 6.

TLDR: If you want your focus to be more aggressive, try swapping out your bombs and 3-4 drops for a handful of 1-2 drop creatures who's power are high for their related cost. This creates early pressure that can secure a win quite quickly. Drop your expensive cards (greater than 5 converted mana cost) and use just the obliterators as your endgame, since you will foreseeably have dealt enough damage to them to make the 5/5 real and terrifying threats, all for 4 mana!

Anyway, hope this helps!
Posted 07 November 2011 at 03:51


I agree with Ulimortus, your deck looks like you just grabbed a lot of Mythic Rares and threw them together in a Black Mana (:manab:) deck. I'm not exactly sure how it's going to win.

http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=214044&type=card http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=214382&type=card http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=230768&type=card

While these three look like they work good together, their heavy six Mana (:mana6:) Cost, or more, means that you'll probably never see more than one of them at a time on the Battlefield.

http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=218023&type=card http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=214386&type=card http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=226751&type=card

The rest Cost four Mana (:mana4:) to Cast, but two of them (Entomber Exarch and Falkenrath Noble) are not being used to their full potential; you don't have any cheaper Creatures to return from your Graveyard, or to leave the Battlefield and activate the Ability on the Vampire.

http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=238330&type=card http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=235597&type=card

Here is another big, six Mana (:mana6:) sink. I won't go so far as to call him "the worst Planeswalker ever printed," but for your deck he's just dragging you down. I would suggest you look at all Spells in your deck that have a :mana3::manab::manab::manab: Cost like him, and imagine which one you will want to play on Turn six (6) to win. That's the one you should keep over the others.

As for the other Planeswalker, I just want to say that adding in Mythic Rares in your color, without an idea of how the card will give you a strategy, doesn't bode well for the deck. In fact, I think that's a good message for the rest of your cards, too.
Posted 07 November 2011 at 05:45


Edited the deck and play tested it a bit. Seems to do a whole lot better.


Took out some of the heavier creatures. Leaving me with 3 things which cost 6 or more mana. Having more than one just feels right for me personally. but yeah having too many isn't all too great either.

Reasons for the changes are, I quite like vault skirges. The rager's are nice for some draw power. Though it feels like I need a creature for 2 mana. Not sure what'd be best.
Posted 11 November 2011 at 01:48
