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U/B Zombie


Originally I was planning on running Birthing Pod for standard competition until I realized the insane amount of artifact hate and how vulnerable the deck is if it gets stuck halfway up the chain and either the pod or the creature gets nuked. Then I realized Zombies seemed viable again and since they've always held a soft spot in my heart, I decided to try and make it work.

Originally, I had planned to fuel Grimgrin with reassembling skeleton since it just reconstitutes for 2 mana every turn, and can act as an early chump blocker, and am still considering replacing Walking Corpse with it as my 2 drop. It's not a zombie but it provides better synergy with Grimgrin than a simple 2/2 meatstick.

Jace provides needed draw strength plus the ability to fuel Cemetery Reaper if needed by knocking ten cards straight off of someone's deck.

Lilianna would be in there twice but I'm not willing to spend $45 on another copy(pulled one from a box).

Skinrender is in my sideboard specifically to deal with any indestructible problems or to buff my removal capabilities if I need it, along with Black Sun's and Life's Finale to counter tokens.

Token production with Endless Ranks and/or Grave Titan is my primary win condition with Sheoldred and Grimgrin acting as "secondary" wins simply by forcing my opponent to do something about them quickly or lose by default.

I would love to add Army of the Damned to my deck(assuming I can find a copy) and use it as a primary win condition with Endless Ranks, that way I can wipe the board with Life's Finale or Black Sun's Zenith before pumping out 20+ zombie tokens in the following 2 turns, however I'm unsure of what I would remove to make it work. Monomania seems a bit weak but it's also a late-game crush against most decks. I'm more than willing to let it go if it proves less than useful. Skaab Ruinator I know is mostly used in Birthing Pod, but with only 1 the only time he won't be useful is a very early game draw. I can discard him with liliana and save him for later, or mill him off with Forbidden Alchemy and save him as a sneak play for later.

Essentially, I need to cut some cards to bring it down to 60, and decide whether I should keep as is or strengthen token production with army. Also I'm still on the fence between Reassembling Skeleton and Walking Corpse.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, especially with the sideboard. I feel like I could use some enchant hate for mirror matches, but I also feel like the extra counter strength with Dissipate and Memoricide may do the job.
Posted 05 November 2011 at 16:36


I tried a deck like this, but I came to the same conclusion as you did. The only deck in which I would consider running Skaab Ruinator in is Birthing Pod. If I were you, I'd make this deck into a Black Mana (:manab:) Zombie deck based around producing Zombie tokens. If you were to splash in Blue Mana (:manau:), perhaps you could use Undead Alchemist instead?
Posted 05 November 2011 at 16:47


The main problem I find with a mono-black token deck is that it can be countered by practically everything. I haven't totally committed to zombie token and like I said, I'm still debating pushing the token part with removing token production for more zombie control, and grabbing Pharaoh, Mindshriekers and a couple Army of the Damned for late game win conditions.
Posted 05 November 2011 at 17:25
