Discussion Forum

Silver Bullet

Silver Bullet: This is a deck I built to have an answer for everything. I want it to live up to its purpose so please leave suggestions here or on the deck's page. Thanks.
Posted 28 October 2011 at 00:22


just a thought here but, Witchbane Orb is a card that will make you immune to all burn spells(against RDW) all milling(Jace's +1 and +0), liliana's -2 and -6, Koth's -5, stuff like furnace scamp is just a 1/1 with nothing else, and well a shit ton more things that are really awesome. Seems like a Silver Bullet deck shouldn't ever be without one IMO, because that card in itself is almost an answer to everything.

just a thought.
Posted 30 October 2011 at 02:08
