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Horde Magic
if you haven't already read the article here it is:
my challenge to you guys is to see who can come up with cool and unique horde decks
56 posts
Posted 19 October 2011 at 15:11
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38 posts
got ya....
Interesting idea, but I don't like how the horde deck is just stack of cards, with no player. wouldn't this be more fun if ran with a player like arch enemy? at least that way it would give you some one to hate...
none the less its a cool idea. decks that come to mind are, life gain, creature hate, maybe a defender deck.... all could work. if you really wanted to be a dick about it, you could run mill.
Posted 20 October 2011 at 02:05
56 posts
not exactly what i was talking about. read the article i linked to under the format called horde magic
Posted 20 October 2011 at 03:30
155 posts
i guess there are several things about this format you need to explain to me
1. does the horde have a hand? it says in the rules section that the horde looses if there are no cards in its library and hand and no creatures on the battlefield. however, as i understand the horde's turn the first spell in the library will be automatically played and only one spell per turn can be played => hence the horde cannot play cards from its (initial) hand!?
2. the rule that the horde always has as much mana as needed seems slightly odd and surely cannot cover spells with X costs!? otherwise it would just cast a fireball for 80 damage and win the game instantly
4. as all decisions for the horde are made randomly it doesnt make much sense to put targeted spells in the deck. quite frankly the best horde deck seems to contain of 99 tokens and 1 spell and thereby cast tons of tokens in turn 3
based on the last thought my suggestions for horde decks would be:
- 99 Zombie Giant Tokens and 1 Army of the Damned
- 99 Elemental Tokens and 1 Wave of Indifference
- 99 Eldrazi Spawn Tokens and 1 Emrakul
... i guess i made my point ;p
Posted 26 October 2011 at 18:27
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