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Blue Green GY Based

Main Deck (60 cards)Draw sample hand
3x Bonehoard
4x Merfolk Looter
4x Armored Skaab
3x Deranged Assistant
4x Invisible Stalker
4x Ambush Viper
4x Boneyard Wurm
4x Kessig Cagebreakers
4x Splinterfright
3x Wreath of Geists
4x Hinterland Harbor
8x Island
8x Forest
3x Mulch

Estimated Deck Value (Experimental)
Low: $31.58 Mid: $49.92 High: $87.02 [Breakdown]

Sideboard (15 cards)
1x Bonehoard
3x Fog
4x Bramblecrush
4x Naturalize
3x Ghost Quarter

This went 3-1 in the last FNM and 4-0 before that - curb stomped Solar Flare and laughed at Tempered Steel (after sideboarding of course)

Combos as follows
Invisi Stalker with Bonehoard and Wreath is stupid good
Mulch for mana and if you mulch 4 creatures *shrug* my Splinterfright, Wreath target, Bonehoard, and Boneyard Wurm just got +4/+4

Cagebreakers is ridiculous endgame... First round I finished 2-0 with a lethal hit from 14 2/2 Wolf Tokens... With assistant he drops 4th turn and swings 5th...

Skaab is amazing self mill, Ambush Viper is my green Doom Blade / Gofer - The Merfolk Looter has no better place I've seen in a deck until I saw this... Draw and discard - so wait, I get card draw and +1 +1 for my creatures? sounds good to me... and was.

Fog goes in against Aggro, gives me a period of time to build up is all and has saved me in a few games
4th bonehoard, goes in against other self millers for uber big 4 drop
Naturalize, 2 mana to kill wurmcoil, tempered steel, and any others that piss me off.. sure
bramblecrush - won me a few different games depending the situation - Kessig wolf run went down to it mainly and a few other things I didn't feel like dealing with but I think it needs replacing since I now have ghost quarter in..
Ghost Quarter does work son... kills me some kessig, inkmoth etc...
Thinking about Flashfreeze but idk yet

P.S. This decks bane that I have seen is two cards mainly but somehow I worked through them the past 2 weeks... Nihil Spellbomb and Surgical Extraction hurt... haha
Posted 19 October 2011 at 04:53


I would suggest replacing Merfolk Looter with Civilized Scholar, because if you're going to Discard a Creature why not take advantage of the Ability on Civilized Scholar?

Other cards you may want to look into are Garruk Relentless, mostly for his other side, and Genesis Wave.
Posted 19 October 2011 at 05:12


I hadn't thought about him, but the only issue is with the looter I want continuous card draw, where scholar might only stay in the game one turn if I draw, flip and attack since he's forced to attack once flipped...
Only other complaint with him is it's a 3 drop rather than 2 - I will give it some playtesting though, thanks for the idea it might work better your right

Wave would be amazing in this deck you're right.. I don't have it but could prolly get ahold of it easily - Question is how do I get the mana for it is all, Spose I could run 2 of em and use it for end game that's quite a badass idea.. I think it might not be as good since it's hard to get the mana for it is all... I'd have to wave for atleast 3 which is 6 mana
I did just pull a garuk the veil cursed the other day and that is a good idea... thank you, I will be cycling 1 bonehoard out for him since Bonehoard is the same mana cost and still doesn't mill as a creature
Posted 19 October 2011 at 05:33


It's a common misconception that Homicidal Brute must attack. The Ability on him says: "At the beginning of your end step, if Homicidal Brute didn't attack this turn, tap Homicidal Brute, then transform it."

If you want to turn him back into Civilized Scholar at the end of your turn, and then Untap him again during your Untap step, I guess it would be the same as having Merfolk Looter.

I like the aggressive 5/1, though. It does a lot of Damage, enough to kill most Creatures on the turn it comes out, and it also dies easily to give you another Creature for your Graveyard.
Posted 19 October 2011 at 05:40


Debating using Bonehoard for side board and using your idea and throwing scholar in - He mills me, goes into the GY as a creature and gives me a free 5/1 on 4th turn, not too bad all for 3 mana rather than 4
And you're right on the flip good pointer
Posted 19 October 2011 at 05:56


Main Deck (60 cards)Draw sample hand
4x Merfolk Looter
4x Armored Skaab
4x Civilized Scholar
4x Invisible Stalker
4x Ambush Viper
4x Boneyard Wurm
4x Kessig Cagebreakers
4x Splinterfright
3x Wreath of Geists
4x Hinterland Harbor
8x Island
8x Forest
2x Garruk Relentless
3x Mulch

Estimated Deck Value (Experimental)
Low: $51.04 Mid: $71.71 High: $108.66 [Breakdown]

Sideboard (15 cards)
3x Bonehoard
3x Fog
3x Bramblecrush
3x Naturalize
3x Ghost Quarter

The new breakdown... Playtesting it soon

Also, thank you for not asking me why there's no lab maniac or elixirs >.>
People tend to think I need it lol

If I haven't killed someone by the time I run out of a deck the game is lost anyway lol
Posted 19 October 2011 at 06:00


This deck has been revised again -
We got Ruinators for a back up plan, Masticores because they fit so well in this deck. Images to kill Legends or do w/e I need at the time (unexpectedly I've won games by copying armored skaab haha) took out Garruk, he's too overkill and usually dies so fast it's not worth the mana spent, nor does he mill as a creature.
Was having issues with open hand mulligans so upped the manabase, Drakes do good against MB infect - considering Daybreak rangers instead though.
Corrosion is godly against Tempered Steel I've learned
Beast Within, well we all know this things purpose
Fog for aggro decks, and sometimes Wolfrun Inkmoth deck
Naturalize for arti decks like batterskull and equips that need to go down (lashwrithe in MB)
Ghostquarter 4 set comes in against Kessig Inkmoth, hate that deck and it hurts it bad

Main Deck (60 cards)
2x Molten-Tail Masticore
4x Merfolk Looter
2x Phantasmal Image
4x Armored Skaab
3x Civilized Scholar
2x Skaab Ruinator
3x Stitched Drake
3x Ambush Viper
4x Boneyard Wurm
3x Kessig Cagebreakers
4x Splinterfright
2x Ghost Quarter
4x Hinterland Harbor
9x Island
8x Forest
3x Mulch

Sideboard (15 cards)
2x Creeping Corrosion
4x Beast Within
3x Fog
4x Naturalize
2x Ghost Quarter
Posted 31 October 2011 at 20:16
