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Wanting to play this in some standard tourny's - Lookin for some opinions


4x Perilous Myr
4x Vulshok Replica
4x Blistergrub
4x Mortis Dogs
4x Furnace Scamp
2x Inferno Titan
2x Charmbreaker Devils
4x Dragonskull Summit
8x Swamp
8x Mountain
2x Morbid Plunder
2x Artillerize
4x Fling
4x Brimstone Volley
4x Infernal Plunge
Posted 12 October 2011 at 03:43


I changed this around a bit and put immolating souleater in for the 3rd turn win...
1st turn Bump in the night or furnace scamp
2nd turn cast immolating souleater and swing with scamp/sacrifice for a good 4 damage
3rd turn... Sacrifice 18 life turn Souleater into a 10/1 and fling for a total of 20 dmg.. gg
Has happened twice now and doesn't require a hellacious god draw

Late game combo is Mortis dogs... Swing for 4 + Fling for 4 + hits the GY and deals another 4... I hear 12 damage for 2 mana is good these days.

Vulshok fits the bill with his built in fling, Blister grub and Perilous myr are there for the GY dmg after a sacrifice from preferably alter's reap, blocking and killing a creature or getting a free 2 dmg never hurts either

Furnace Scamp and Brimstone volley are there because it's good dmg, this deck is always killing creatures so brimstone's morbid was perfect, and furnace scamp is amazing turn 1, turn 2 4 dmg

Bump in the night is in here for color seperation, maybe if creature aggro is too crazy Shock will come in

side board is for long drawn games where the big creatures can come in... if this be the case I will put them in, for now tho, aggro fling win is the philosophy

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=245442
Main Deck (60 cards)Draw sample hand
4x Perilous Myr
4x Vulshok Replica
4x Immolating Souleater
4x Blistergrub
4x Mortis Dogs
4x Furnace Scamp
4x Dragonskull Summit
8x Swamp
8x Mountain
4x Fling
4x Altar's Reap
4x Bump in the Night
4x Brimstone Volley

Sideboard (15 cards)
1x Life's Finale
2x Inferno Titan
4x Shock
2x Charmbreaker Devils
2x Curse of the Nightly Hunt
4x Infernal Plunge

The sideboard is for longer games... I trade in shocks for bumps, plunges for reaps, titans and devils for mortis dogs - Life's finale for Brimstone volley and depending on the game curse gets thrown in some times but rarely
Posted 14 October 2011 at 11:45


Have you had a chance to try it against the top decks? RDW, Solar Flare?

I'd sideboard Into the Core or Memoricide for indestructible annoyances like Blightsteel.
Posted 14 October 2011 at 21:15


Awesome! I really like this Deck. It makes use of a lot of older cards from Scars of Mirrodin that I'm unfamiliar with, but it looks really fun to play. I don't really have any suggestions to improve it.
Posted 16 October 2011 at 00:54
