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White / Black deck

I've been browsing some random deck and found this one http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=241378

It seem to have lots of answer for creature and also for board sweeper. I might rework it a bit to fit my taste but could this be viable in a tournament?
Posted 11 October 2011 at 14:13


So is a build with white/black really not worth it in standard?
Posted 13 October 2011 at 12:41


The black in this deck isn't even worth being there imo... and there's too much white requiring dual W's

I have on the other hand considered doing something like this, I like Cloistered Youth a lot it seems to fit the bill and obviously unburial rites
Posted 19 October 2011 at 19:23


Main Deck (60 cards)Draw sample hand
3x Inquisitor's Flail
4x Moriok Reaver
4x Accorder Paladin
4x Champion of the Parish
4x Cloistered Youth
2x Abattoir Ghoul
4x Screeching Bat
2x Skirsdag High Priest
4x Isolated Chapel
12x Plains
6x Swamp
1x Black Sun's Zenith
3x Doom Blade
1x Divine Reckoning
3x Rebuke
3x Unburial Rites

Estimated Deck Value (Experimental)
Low: $45.24 Mid: $67.70 High: $106.67 [Breakdown]

Sideboard (10 cards)
1x Black Sun's Zenith
3x Go for the Throat
3x Surgical Extraction
3x Slayer of the Wicked

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=249570

this is my somewhat attempt at white black with a lot of creature control... it'll prolly be human based
Posted 19 October 2011 at 19:43


I agree with Fabellious. The entire deck is :manaw: mana cards, except for 8 :manab: mana cards. The deck's balance is a bit off.

I'm not too sure I agree with all of Fabellious' changes, though I am somewhat interested in Skirsdag High Priest in this type of deck.

In fact, I think Morkrut Banshee and Reaper from the Abyss might also find a home in a :manawb: mana deck based on heavy Creature removal.
Posted 19 October 2011 at 20:42


Yeah I tested it a lot on cockatrice and got owned pretty hard most of the time. I'm gonna try to add those high cost creatures and survive with the control already in the deck
Posted 20 October 2011 at 13:00


I use b/w every week and I always make top 8 with it. I'm still tooling around with it next fnm I'm putting 2 grimories in and playtesting more but its pretty close. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=234819 feel free to give me any comments or imput.
Posted 21 October 2011 at 00:39
