Discussion Forum

Post Rotation RDW

I have been using a RDW since June, placing top eight for all local FNMs since then, and am completely bummed out by the rotating out of many a staple to the current RDW.

Made THIS out of the ashes that was its predecessor, HERE. Currently thinking about where to add in some Stromkirk Nobles.

I am looking for any advice as how to refine this one / build a new RDW to replace the crack cocaine that is rotating out.
Posted 28 September 2011 at 01:42


RDW's gonna be awesome post-rotation, but do you want to build that or Kuldotha Red? because this looks a great deal like Kuldotha Red, and that's a different deck altogether. Kuldotha Red's a much more powerful deck...but a much less consistent one as well.
Posted 28 September 2011 at 23:37


Seeing how Kuldotha Red can be a RDW, I am kind of lost. This deck is looking to stay toward the cheap, aggressive creatures side of RDW. If it requires the use of Kuldotha Rebirth, then be it so.
Posted 29 September 2011 at 01:58


The difference between the two archetypes is that Kuldotha Red wants to cast Kuldotha Rebirth. To do that, it has to run inexpensive artifacts to sacrifice to the spell. These artifacts are generally less efficient at beating down or assisting with the beatdown (i.e. shock or incinerate) than red spells are. In addition, drawing them AND the Kuldotha Rebirth is not guaranteed. However, when everything comes together, it's usually very good to have 3 1/1s on turn 1.
Posted 29 September 2011 at 07:06


The Porcelain Legionnaires and Vault Skirges weren't in the first rendition of this deck, purely cause there were better options. The final outcome of this deck does not need be Kuldotha, how as of now only the Memnites and somtimes the Skirges would be sac'd.

Simply put, only reason why Skirges and Legionnaires are in this deck was because I couldnt see better options for 1 and 2 casting costs.
Posted 29 September 2011 at 08:44


I'm using Inflitration lens for my Kuldotha as an alternate sac for Rebirth, you should try it.. it actually helps provide you with some card advantage, especially in the mid game where RDW and Kuldotha are generally weaker. sometimes it'll get my opponent thinking whether they want to block my creatures and risk letting me draw a gob grenade, or take the damage and then i kill them with a gob grenade i already have in my hand. take a look at my Kuldotha, all comments are appreciated as i'm figuring out cards post rotation as well.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 18:14
