Discussion Forum

BUG Titans Control -- Criticism wanted

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum, though I'm not new to forums in general, so just making that clear. I guess before continuing with this post, I should introduce myself. Hi, I'm Brad, I'm 20 years old, and have been playing Magic for about 5 months now. Since I've started playing, I have gotten extremely addicted, and have been revising one particular deck that I find the most enjoyable to play. That of course, is my BUG Titan Control deck. It's a lot of fun, but like any other deck, it has it's weakness. Aggro decks put a stop to this deck pretty hard. So what I'm looking for from you guys is maybe a little bit of help. I'd greatly appreciate everything, and will take anything said into consideration.


Thanks in advance,
Posted 25 September 2011 at 01:51


I feel like I say this too much, but here goes: Your deck needs more lands. You wanna cast a titan, you need to get to six mana consistently. To do that, you need (statistically speaking) 24 lands at minimum. Outside of that, you might want to have Doom Blade over Go for the Throat if (and only if) you're playing at FNM. Tempered Steel's gonna be popular for at least the next month, so having dead removal against that kind of aggro is pretty bad. If where you play is half mono-black decks, then I could understand the GftTs, but otherwise I'd run Doom Blade.
Posted 28 September 2011 at 23:30


I won't be playing this at an FNM for quite a while as a lot of these cards are pricey and I'm a tad low on cash at the moment. It'll be a while before this deck is put together and in my hands. So I don't think I have to worry about switching Doom Blade and GftT, plus I have Doom Blade in my sideboard just in case I do go against a Tempered Steel deck.

With the lands, I never play anymore than 20 lands, and it works. I get consistent hands with this deck and lands. I only need 2 in my starting hand and I'll be fine, they just need to coincide with the rest of my hand, which, usually they do.

I appreciate the advice, and definitely want more! ^_^
Posted 29 September 2011 at 19:41


the mana curve is low enough, not including the titans, to work fine with 20 lands

the 3 birds do a good job of offsetting the titans, add the caravan vigils and the land base seems more than adequate
Posted 29 September 2011 at 20:03
