Discussion Forum


:manaw: I was hoping that I could get some comments or suggestions / ideas in regards to the deck that I've put together. I've been play testing this deck for some time now and it seems to be pretty good. My hopes are for this deck to be competitive. So please, take a look at my Pure~Blade deck and tell me what you think. I would greatly appreciate any feedback. You will see my deck link listed below. Thank You In Advance.

Posted 13 September 2011 at 21:44


my friend has a pure-blade deck and its built to be very fast one.. he's also on the top 20 of the grand prix on our country

seeing your deck, your's maybe a little more toughie but mighty slower than the conventional one

i suggest putting on your main deck:

1. flayer husks
2. etched champions
3. accorder shield
4. add U if you could so put dual lands, trinket mage, preordain for main & mana leak as sideboards
5. a set of dispatch
6. glint hawks (the new squadron hawks lol)
7. make puresteel a set
8. 1-2 mox opals or none - i just like it coz it syncs well with metal craft and glint hawks

with this setup gaining metal craft is a piece of cake and with etched champion you'll have a near indestructible & unblockable creature... you'll also be surprised on how fast you're gonna draw cards once you've setup puresteel ;)

but if you dont want to be too speedy and add U, maintain your m. crusader, h. bladehold & Blade Splicers
Posted 14 September 2011 at 17:42
