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Puresteel & Tezzeret

Hey all, looking for any thoughts. It's mostly white w/swords, using Tezzeret to find em.


Posted 09 September 2011 at 14:50


batterskull instead of strandwalker, its way better.
I like the deck! Maybe some O-rings for more control if thats what's needed, but if this seems to work as aggro then leave it.

One sick thing I saw in a tournament was Venser +2 on sun titan. Equip worldslayer to squadron hawk, swing and destroy everything. end turn Sun Titan comes back into play and brings back land or squad hawk.
Posted 10 September 2011 at 18:09


I added batterskulls to my sideboard, I can swap between them and the strandwalkers, but they are my only flying defense.

Blinking the Sun Titan is good, though I may drop him, he's expensive. This deck is set up for post-rotation, so no squad hawks.

I did add the o-rings, they are a necessity, thanks.

still a WiP, but I did go 2-2 last FNM
Posted 12 September 2011 at 15:34


- it's always a bad idea to run that much equipment. If they shoot down your few creatures your deck draws into nothing but dead cards turn after turn.

- running 18 land means you'll miss that 3th land drop on turn 3 most of the time. Can this deck run on 2 mana? I don't think so.
Posted 13 September 2011 at 08:38


thanks Seth.

Added Hero of Bladehold.

I'm trying to keep creature casting cost below 5, any other useful creatures?

I cut it down to 2 of each sword, and can sideboard them out if I'm not playing against a certain color.

Bumped up land count.

Once Innistrad is released I will add w/b dual lands which will be great.

thanks again!
Posted 13 September 2011 at 14:51
