Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: EDH Tsabo Tavoc as General

The Challenge: Make a deck based on Tsabo using as much creature hate as possible. Deck has to be r/b but you can splash any other colors that seem fitting.

Here's Tsabo http://magiccards.info/in/en/281.html
Posted 06 September 2011 at 03:17


how are you intending to splash other colours than b/r with Tasbo Tavoc as general when the deck's colours have to match the generals colours? ;) so i take it has to be B/R and that's it!?
Posted 06 September 2011 at 10:45


I guess you can't really splash then, didn't realize it had to be the colors of the general. I'm not entirely familiar with EDH rules yet
Posted 06 September 2011 at 14:28



a lot of creature hate as requested and a lot of relatively cheap but strong creatures to hit the opponent while he has no creatures to block.
some other shenanigans such as Phage or Endless Whispers...
may improve the landbase later though
Posted 07 September 2011 at 01:03
