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Jace 3.0 Control-Mill
Should be self explanatory- I did on purpose not include ZEN block.
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Posted 18 August 2011 at 13:28
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The unfortunate side of mill is that it lost it's most powerful cards in rotation and they haven't been replaced. All that's really left are 2 useless artifacts (Shriekhorn/Mindcrank), 2 ok creatures (Merfolk Looter/Merfolk Mesmerist, one really good creatures (Jace's Archivist), a pretty good enchantment (Jace's Erasure), and a great planeswalker (Jace, Memory Adept) and a relatively good equipment Sword of Body and Mind. The synergy creates with Archivist/Erasure alone makes a decent mill, the more erasures, the better. It gets even stronger with Jace's ultimate (I know it's tempting to mill 10 every time, but believe me, it's better to build up counters). So, in an ideal situation, it would go something like this.
Jace @ 7+, 1 Erasure and 1 archivist out. You make each player draw 20 cards. You drawing 10 triggers erasure, making them mill 20. That's 40 cards you have yanked out of their library. Activate Archivist to each discard 20, draw 20 again. You drawing 20 triggers erasure to make them mill 20. At this point, they should just be flat out of cards, hopefully not able to draw the last 20. The more erasures out, the more milling occurs.
There is a very good possibility at this point, you could mill yourself out, so it's important to know how many cards you have in your library. We no longer have eldrazis to shuffle our graveyard back into out library, but we do have Elixir of Immortality. It should probably be activated after you discarded 20 cards with Archivist.
To be honest, this is the most viable mill strategy I see, while it's pretty complicated, it does work. I personally tried making a similar deck, and what I found is that it loses, a lot. You just can't draw enough kill and control to handle any form of creature deck, because you need to draw lands to fuel them, plus having a big 5 drop planeswalker really shorts your mana turn 5. I'm hoping the new block fixes the mill situation, because right now, it's pretty dismal, and it's my favorite strategy to play.
Posted 19 August 2011 at 15:25
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[QUOTE=rkturbo]The unfortunate side of mill is that it lost it's most powerful cards in rotation and they haven't been replaced. All that's really left are 2 useless artifacts (Shriekhorn/Mindcrank), 2 ok creatures (Merfolk Looter/Merfolk Mesmerist, one really good creatures (Jace's Archivist), a pretty good enchantment (Jace's Erasure), and a great planeswalker (Jace, Memory Adept) and a relatively good equipment Sword of Body and Mind. The synergy creates with Archivist/Erasure alone makes a decent mill, the more erasures, the better. It gets even stronger with Jace's ultimate (I know it's tempting to mill 10 every time, but believe me, it's better to build up counters). So, in an ideal situation, it would go something like this.
Jace @ 7+, 1 Erasure and 1 archivist out. You make each player draw 20 cards. You drawing 10 triggers erasure, making them mill 20. That's 40 cards you have yanked out of their library. Activate Archivist to each discard 20, draw 20 again. You drawing 20 triggers erasure to make them mill 20. At this point, they should just be flat out of cards, hopefully not able to draw the last 20. The more erasures out, the more milling occurs.
There is a very good possibility at this point, you could mill yourself out, so it's important to know how many cards you have in your library. We no longer have eldrazis to shuffle our graveyard back into out library, but we do have Elixir of Immortality. It should probably be activated after you discarded 20 cards with Archivist.
To be honest, this is the most viable mill strategy I see, while it's pretty complicated, it does work. I personally tried making a similar deck, and what I found is that it loses, a lot. You just can't draw enough kill and control to handle any form of creature deck, because you need to draw lands to fuel them, plus having a big 5 drop planeswalker really shorts your mana turn 5. I'm hoping the new block fixes the mill situation, because right now, it's pretty dismal, and it's my favorite strategy to play.[/QUOTE]
First off: Thanks a lot for the detailed review.
I have played a different version of the mill deck, as the one you have described- however it went down towards cawblade and valakut sometimes-so I decided to go on control and take black as a main. Surgical Extraction hasn't found big use in any decks yet, I thought of taking the chance. I have thought long about how to use Jace 3.0, decided to go with his 0 counter effect- not only because of the temptation, but because its a great combo for getting the cards out of his library with the extraction. Black gets rid of the creatures, deals with his hand. In case I can't mill him down in time for him to get his defense back up I'll use time reversal- found it pretty neat in a few games.
But: Yes, you are right- it is far from done and ofc. I hope Innistrad brings some more power.
Thanks again for the feedback! :-)
Posted 19 August 2011 at 15:36
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