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Hello, Need Some Help Please.

Hello I am getting back into Magic the Gathering after a long 3 years absence. I know what was i thinking. Anyhow i am making Goblin Deck and a friend suggested this: HTTP://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=213039

Is there way to make this deck better than this??

Posted 11 August 2011 at 03:17


and why exactly do you want to make it standard? If you're just back isn't it easier to just play casual and not stick to a tournament format? No need to worry about card rotations and all...
Posted 11 August 2011 at 06:39


I like to keep it standard because once I get refamiliar with Magic again I also would like to do tournaments from time to time here locall. Place I go don't usually have casual touraments only standard or when new set comes out draft and tournaments. Guess could be casual deck...
Posted 11 August 2011 at 13:54


The purpose of standard (next to the obvious and that's sales) is that set rotation brings innovation. You are not supposed to say I want to play goblins, so what goblins are in standard these days. You have to approach the format the other way around. Look at what is available and try to make the best out of that. You can still try to stick to archetypes but you'll have to do with what is provided, which isn't much, but that's what standard is about.
So instead of saying I like goblins you have to look at the archetype they fit into which is aggro or aggro/control. Then look at the standard card pool and try to make a viable aggro deck with what is available.

PS: no place has casual tournaments, but you have different tournament formats like standard, extended, modern, legacy, vintage, limited... If you want to play competitive magic you are not obligated to play standard. Personally I prefer Legacy. It is a very popular very competitive format, probably the most divers and challenging format at the moment. Decks are pretty expensive (400$-1000$) but once you have a deck it doesn't really change a lot over the years where playing standard costs you just as much over the course of a few years of competitive standard and you'll end up with nothing after each rotation.
Posted 11 August 2011 at 14:31


Ok I want to make a really good goblin deck then. Scratch the standard part! Lol
Posted 11 August 2011 at 14:39


Well Goblins is still the strongest tribe ever printed, they have the fastest clock and they have enough card advantage to actually win long games as well.

You can go mono red goblins which is competitive and cheap (because of the cheap mana base).

sample list:

4 Gempalm Incinerator
2 Goblin Chieftain
1 Goblin King
4 Goblin Lackey
4 Goblin Matron
3 Goblin Piledriver
4 Goblin Ringleader
1 Goblin Sharpshooter
4 Goblin Warchief
1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
3 Mogg Fanatic
2 Siege-Gang Commander
1 Stingscourger
2 Warren Instigator

Artifact [4]
4 AEther Vial

Land [20]
16 Mountain
4 Wasteland

Goblin lackey and Warren Instigator cheat goblins into the game, if your opponent has no answer to them he is dead. Gempalm Incinerator is your uncounterable creature removal to clear the way for your Goblin lackey trun 2. Goblin Chieftain and Goblin Warchief set an increadibly fast clock making all your goblins hasty. Goblin Piledriver is the guy your opponent must block or he looses and it's the card that kills blue decks, they can't stop him. Goblin Ringleader is your long term plan, it's what makes goblins better then most tribes, it's pure card advantage. Goblin Matron is your tutor.
The rest is optional. I love Siege-Gang Commander, if you can cheat him in it's all over for your opponent.

As for non goblin cards: AEther Vial is important as it sets an extra clock cheating in more goblins and it's your weapon against counter decks.

Landbase: mono red makes it pretty cheap to start with, just start with 20 mountains. If you go to a legacy tournament you can pimp that mana base with the following:

+-7 fetchland: Lands like Arid Mesa, Bloodstained Mire, etc... I usually play 7. They thin out your deck. You play a land and fetch another out of your deck, the result is a decreased chance of drawing into land. This makes a fast deck like this conciderably better.

4xWasteland: first part of the goblin control package. With Aether Vail and cheap creatures you don't need a lot of land and you only need 1 color. Other decks will often need 3 colors and mana denial wins you games.

3-4xRishadan Port: part 2 of the control package. Same plan as before, get lackey out or Aether Vail and keep their land tapped to slow them down while you win.

Wasteland and Rishadan Port are the most expensive cards in a mono colored goblin deck.

Many players play 2 colors when playing goblins, it opens up posibilities that you don't have access to in mono red.

Lots of players play Warren Weirding which is a black card. Lorwyn block has great goblins and introduced black goblins. Earwig Squad and Wort, Boggart Auntie see play in legacy but there are many more that are really good.

Green is sometimes played for Krosan Grip.

Anyway start with mono red and then go to Red-Black and you'll still have a deck that isn't all that expensive and at the same time is one of the best decks out there.

PS: Goblins is concidered to be a very hard deck to play well, it takes a lot of practise. I have a freind who only plays legacy tournaments and he play goblins and I'm always surprised at how powerful this deck is in his hands.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 07:49


Well Goblins is still the strongest tribe ever printed, they have the fastest clock and they have enough card advantage to actually win long games as well.

You can go mono red goblins which is competitive and cheap (because of the cheap mana base).

sample list:

4 Gempalm Incinerator
2 Goblin Chieftain
1 Goblin King
4 Goblin Lackey
4 Goblin Matron
3 Goblin Piledriver
4 Goblin Ringleader
1 Goblin Sharpshooter
4 Goblin Warchief
1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
3 Mogg Fanatic
2 Siege-Gang Commander
1 Stingscourger
2 Warren Instigator

Artifact [4]
4 AEther Vial

Land [20]
16 Mountain
4 Wasteland

Goblin lackey and Warren Instigator cheat goblins into the game, if your opponent has no answer to them he is dead. Gempalm Incinerator is your uncounterable creature removal to clear the way for your Goblin lackey trun 2. Goblin Chieftain and Goblin Warchief set an increadibly fast clock making all your goblins hasty. Goblin Piledriver is the guy your opponent must block or he looses and it's the card that kills blue decks, they can't stop him. Goblin Ringleader is your long term plan, it's what makes goblins better then most tribes, it's pure card advantage. Goblin Matron is your tutor.
The rest is optional. I love Siege-Gang Commander, if you can cheat him in it's all over for your opponent.

As for non goblin cards: AEther Vial is important as it sets an extra clock cheating in more goblins and it's your weapon against counter decks.

Landbase: mono red makes it pretty cheap to start with, just start with 20 mountains. If you go to a legacy tournament you can pimp that mana base with the following:

+-7 fetchland: Lands like Arid Mesa, Bloodstained Mire, etc... I usually play 7. They thin out your deck. You play a land and fetch another out of your deck, the result is a decreased chance of drawing into land. This makes a fast deck like this conciderably better.

4xWasteland: first part of the goblin control package. With Aether Vail and cheap creatures you don't need a lot of land and you only need 1 color. Other decks will often need 3 colors and mana denial wins you games.

3-4xRishadan Port: part 2 of the control package. Same plan as before, get lackey out or Aether Vail and keep their land tapped to slow them down while you win.

Wasteland and Rishadan Port are the most expensive cards in a mono colored goblin deck.

Many players play 2 colors when playing goblins, it opens up posibilities that you don't have access to in mono red.

Lots of players play Warren Weirding which is a black card. Lorwyn block has great goblins and introduced black goblins. Earwig Squad and Wort, Boggart Auntie see play in legacy but there are many more that are really good.

Green is sometimes played for Krosan Grip.

Anyway start with mono red and then go to Red-Black and you'll still have a deck that isn't all that expensive and at the same time is one of the best decks out there.

PS: Goblins is concidered to be a very hard deck to play well, it takes a lot of practise. I have a freind who only plays legacy tournaments and he play goblins and I'm always surprised at how powerful this deck is in his hands.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 07:58
