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Suggestions needed

Tomorrow I'm headed down to my local game shop, and I'd like to know what kinds of cards I should be looking for to throw into my deck. I don't have like hundreds of dollars to spend, so I probably won't buy anything ridiculously expensive (ie probably not a planeswalker. But maybe. We'll see), but yeah.

http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=215551 This is my current deck. I know the strategies are a little all over the place, and though that IS kind of the point (I like being able to change mid game, rather than being screwed cause my opponent can perfectly counter whatever strategy I had planned), obviously I'm up to recommendations for what to remove/buy.

Go nuts. And be brutal, I'm not gonna be all NO YOU'RE WRONG - I'm still brand new to this game (first month playing), so yeah.
Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:02


You accidentally posted your decks edit link instead of its view link. (Although all you have to do is substitute the word edit for the word view in the URL bar, it should still probably be changed). Anyway, I will look at it and tell you what I think.
Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:07


[QUOTE=sethbodine]You accidentally posted your decks edit link instead of its view link. (Although all you have to do is substitute the word edit for the word view in the URL bar, it should still probably be changed). Anyway, I will look at it and tell you what I think.[/QUOTE]Whoops! Thanks for that. Fixed
Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:09


Well, I took a look at it and I do have a couple of recommendations:
First of all, you only have one copy of so many of the cards in your deck, your odds of getting any given card that you may need are fairly low. Therefore, while you do have a couple of different strategies to work with in a match, the odds of implementing any of them successfully are also fairly low. Towards that end, figure out what you really need to make the deck work, cut out the singles that you don't really need, and substitute them with copies of the ones that you need. Towards that end, I don't think that the deck really needs Lord of the Unreal, for there are very few illusions in it; Wing Splicer, for there is only one golem in the deck other than the 3/3 token, and that golem can get flying on its own fairly easily; Redirect, although you may want to consider adding more of it instead, with only one copy and surprisingly limited potential uses in any given game, having one copy of it in there really does little more than take up space; Assuming this is supposed to be some sort of mill deck, you may find that Sphinx of Magosi coupled with Jace's Erasure is more effective than Belltower Sphinx, especially if you add more to the deck and get multiple erasures on the field (Might be wrong about that one). Third of all, I know that you want to remain versatile, but I would choose no more than three different strategies, I would recommend two, for the more strategies you try to get out of a 60 card deck, the less likely you are to get any of them out, Also, whatever your other strategies in this deck are, they don't seem to be very prominent. Put in oblivion rings, for you could use the removal to help ensure that your strategies get a chance to work. I would try knocking out one plains and one island and adding in two or three more glacial fortresses, But cutting out the "deadweight" singles and putting in copies of the more useful cards for whatever strategies you choose is definitely the most important thing to do.
Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:30


[QUOTE=sethbodine]Well, I took a look at it and I do have a couple of recommendations:
First of all, you only have one copy of so many of the cards in your deck, your odds of getting any given card that you may need are fairly low. Therefore, while you do have a couple of different strategies to work with in a match, the odds of implementing any of them successfully are also fairly low. Towards that end, figure out what you really need to make the deck work, cut out the singles that you don't really need, and substitute them with copies of the ones that you need. Towards that end, I don't think that the deck really needs Lord of the Unreal, for there are very few illusions in it; Wing Splicer, for there is only one golem in the deck other than the 3/3 token, and that golem can get flying on its own fairly easily; Redirect, although you may want to consider adding more of it instead, with only one copy and surprisingly limited potential uses in any given game, having one copy of it in there really does little more than take up space; Assuming this is supposed to be some sort of mill deck, you may find that Sphinx of Magosi coupled with Jace's Erasure is more effective than Belltower Sphinx, especially if you add more to the deck and get multiple erasures on the field (Might be wrong about that one). Third of all, I know that you want to remain versatile, but I would choose no more than three different strategies, I would recommend two, for the more strategies you try to get out of a 60 card deck, the less likely you are to get any of them out, Also, whatever your other strategies in this deck are, they don't seem to be very prominent. Put in oblivion rings, for you could use the removal to help ensure that your strategies get a chance to work. I would try knocking out one plains and one island and adding in two or three more glacial fortresses, But cutting out the "deadweight" singles and putting in copies of the more useful cards for whatever strategies you choose is definitely the most important thing to do.[/QUOTE]Wait, I can use wing splicer to summon thran golem? o.0 I didn't know that. I thought it was only for tokens... and since I have a few return card to hand things I can use on splicer, I can't just keep making them. But yeah, I know I need more than one for that to be a viable strategy.

Otherwise, yeah, that's about what I was thinking you'd say. I'll probably end up trying to buy more lords of unreal rather than getting rid of it, since I'd like to try some form of an illusion deck, but otherwise you're right.

Edit: Sphinx of Magosi is a good looking card for sure, but it's from rise of the eldrazi... is that still allowed in standard?
Posted 10 August 2011 at 15:59


No, you cannot use Wing Splicer to summon Thran Golem. What I was saying is that the Thran golem is the only thing that would be affected by the ability other than the Wing Splicers token. As to the Sphinx of Magosi, the Zendikar block will be standard legal until September 30th, so for the time being, it is legal. But only for two months-ish :(
Posted 10 August 2011 at 16:30


[QUOTE=sethbodine]No, you cannot use Wing Splicer to summon Thran Golem. What I was saying is that the Thran golem is the only thing that would be affected by the ability other than the Wing Splicers token. As to the Sphinx of Magosi, the Zendikar block will be standard legal until September 30th, so for the time being, it is legal. But only for two months-ish :([/QUOTE]Oh. I always read it as golems you summon with this manner have flying. Glad you pointed that out then xD.

Aye, exactly. I'll probably just stick with belltower for now then. I might take Erasure out simply cause I'm not exactly much of a mill deck yet, but I think I'll keep the sphinx's in just cause they're fun on their own xD.
Posted 10 August 2011 at 17:18
