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Help I need a card like vapor snag

hey Im running a blood thirst deck in a tournament sept 30th and were testing it now and vapor snag is an amazing addition to any deck so i need something like it yet it has to fit into my 2012 legal deck and has to use red or black mana thanks
Posted 02 August 2011 at 21:02


Vapor Snag is from the New Phyrexia set, it'll be Standard legal for a whole other year.
Posted 03 August 2011 at 00:28


[QUOTE=Seras]Vapor Snag is from the New Phyrexia set, it'll be Standard legal for a whole other year.[/QUOTE]
One of his stipulations was that the card had to be red or black. In response to the question, I cannot think of any such standard card.
Posted 03 August 2011 at 01:57


Are you dumb I specifically asked for a card that would work for a blood deck like black and fire
People These days...
Posted 03 August 2011 at 02:02


Thank you Sethbodine for understanding and yea all I can think of even slightly similar is doom blade which is way differentbut same cost what not
Posted 03 August 2011 at 02:40


I like aggro and I like control, so the deck above showcases both of these to ... for card draw and manipulation and Vapor Snag for creature bounce.
Posted 03 August 2011 at 02:56


[QUOTE=softpretzel]Are you dumb I specifically asked for a card that would work for a blood deck like black and fire
People These days...[/QUOTE]

wow.. is that really necessary?

that's like the 7-8th time I've taken the time to answer one of your questions, most of which coud've been answered by the smallest amount of research on your part.

if this attitude is your kind of gratitude when ppl try to help you, you can go fuck yourself.
Posted 03 August 2011 at 11:05
