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First Standard tourney deck - critique me!

Hi all,

EDIT: Based on feedback, please review: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=217250 -- better direction? [8/2/2011]

Please see: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=216865

White/Blue flyers + control. This is my first attempt to build a Standard (until Sep 30) deck. It will be my first tournament. I routinely win booster drafts and am ready for a real challenge.

Deck problems include being unfocused and heavy. My strategy: get little flyers out early and stall until I can pull out big flyers (i.e., Baneslayers or Titans + Chasm Drake). If I really like an opponent's card, I'll copy it with my Metamorphs.

I have lots of anti-creature control. I include no 'Cancel' cards because I rarely get the chance to use them.

This deck's highlights include some one-offs I've won in drafts. Both my Planeswalkers came in booster packs. I have a large amount of white/blue cards that I've not listed, but can switch out, so please be creative. I really appreciate your input!
Posted 01 August 2011 at 22:19


Looks inconsistent. Try to focus on a few drops that shine when played and weed out the ones that "just dont quite get there" when you play them. After thats done then just focus on having your drops consistently curve out. This is more true in sealed limited and draft but generally if you can hit 1-6 or 7 drops each turn consistently you will have a competetive deck.
Posted 02 August 2011 at 00:04


[QUOTE=BurnOneDown]Looks inconsistent. Try to focus on a few drops that shine when played and weed out the ones that "just dont quite get there" when you play them. After thats done then just focus on having your drops consistently curve out. This is more true in sealed limited and draft but generally if you can hit 1-6 or 7 drops each turn consistently you will have a competetive deck.[/QUOTE]

Great feedback, TY.

What do you mean by "curve out" exactly?

What do you mean by drops in this scenario?

And seeing how the deck is built, what direction should I take it in? I thought clearing away all the 6-7 mana-cost creatures but the 2 Sun Titans and putting in a few more 2 to 3 mana creatures -- Mirran Crusaders or more Gideon's Avengers. The problem is, few of them fly. I could always put in 4 'Levitations' on blue's side. Thoughts?
Posted 02 August 2011 at 05:39


Shameless bump for more good input!
Posted 02 August 2011 at 16:35


Im not a huge fan of decks containing 1x and 2x of cards. I would recommend finding what you want to be the wincon for your library, and then the backbone to keep that wincon afloat, and some limbs to give support. (sorry for the cheesy metaphor)
Posted 02 August 2011 at 18:57


Based on the feedback, how does this look?

Posted 02 August 2011 at 19:53


Shameless bump is shameless.
Posted 02 August 2011 at 23:43
