Discussion Forum

Splicer deck

Hey i'm new to the whole forum thing but i see alot of great decks on this site. Got bored with playing my green, blue infect at tournaments so i decided to try my hand at a Splicer deck being that i have not seen a single one played in stadard where i play. Take a look at the deck list and throw out some ideas to make it as mean as possible. Thanks Guys!


Posted 29 July 2011 at 07:22


Since you're playing Rampant Growth and Cultivate, it would be worth it to splash blue and add some Winged Splicers, otherwise you have nothing to block flyers.

adding blue would also let you add something like Tezzeret's Gambit ..the proliferate would make the titan forge worth playing.

to make room, i'd drop down to 3 of the blade splicers and vital splicers, having more than one out doesn't really give you anything extra(compared to the others).maul splicer is kind of crappy, i would drop those entirely
Posted 29 July 2011 at 16:17
