Discussion Forum

M12 "of Empires" Experimental Deck

The new 3 card combo "of Empires" introduced in m12 seems like there is lots of potential. I threw this U/B control deck together to see what you think.


Basic idea of using Tezzeret to draw the cards faster, and some control in there to slow down any aggressive decks that would be hitting before i get this combo set up.

How well do you think it will hold up in FNM? The cards I'm missing shouldn't run me to much as i already have the Tezzerets. Obviously I'm missing play sets of the new m12 cards.
Posted 11 July 2011 at 22:25


I propose it be called the Empitron :v
Posted 11 July 2011 at 23:22


Just a suggestion, but...
-4 Diabolic Tutor
+4 Mana Leak
Otherwise you're not really running much control in the deck and the early game is almost non existant with the lack of creatures.
Posted 12 July 2011 at 16:00


The main problem I forsee is that the Empires cards are an extremely soft win condition. Even if you have all three down, there are still many ways for you to lose. This problem is doubly compounded by the fact that you don't have any real removal or counterspells.

-4 apostles blessing
-4 surgical extraction
-4 diabolic tutor
-4 vapor snag
-2-4 dismember

+mana leak
+black sun's zenith
+stoic rebuttal
+tumble magnet
+go for the throat
+ichor wellspring
+sphere of the suns
+1-2 tezzeret

that's basically a list of cards you should really try to make room for. as your deck is now you really don't have any control and you will likely get slaughtered by most aggro decks and will be out-controlled by most control decks. I would also try to get one or two more tezzerets as it's the most powerful card in your deck
Posted 13 July 2011 at 18:33
