Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge--Ancient Depths

I have a friend who I'm trying to help build a deck for. He's been playing the new DotP 2012, and really digs the Ancient Depths deck. (for those unfamiliar with this deck, you can find it here: http://www.wizards.com/magic/digital/duelsoftheplaneswalkers.aspx?x=mtg/digital/d12/decks#kiora) So, the challenge is:

Rework this deck as best you can with these limitations--

1) Relatively budget. Any card that costs more than $4-5 per probably won't be included.
2) No specific format necessary. We play pretty casual, so you aren't limited to standard.
3) Be awesome.

That is all.
Posted 08 July 2011 at 07:33


i'm not sure if this is close enough to what you wanted (no green, but still lots of large creatures being cheated out).
Quest for Ula's Temple deck:
Posted 08 July 2011 at 13:42
