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Vampire Goblins?

BR Vamps with a twist! Took 1st last friday against a really strong meta. Put down a valakut, two caw-blades, another BR vamps, Knights, Elfs and a fauna shaman vengevine homebrew kinda deal. All very good players with really good decks. The Vampire Goblin tribal is just too strong ;)


Let me know what you think.
Posted 26 June 2011 at 17:15


Looks pretty nice, you were able to keep the strongest bits of Vampires and then add in Guide and Bushwacker. I might try testing this deck out.
Posted 27 June 2011 at 05:12


This looks very similar to a decklist I built for a friend. However the list I had for him was running literally all 1 CMC cards other than the playset of Dark Tutelage. If you'd like a list for general comparison reason or to try against I can post it.

The deck does look very strong however, and consistant which is always a nice thing.
Posted 27 June 2011 at 13:59


[QUOTE=Safearus] If you'd like a list for general comparison reason or to try against I can post it.

The deck does look very strong however, and consistant which is always a nice thing.[/QUOTE]

ya sure, could be helpeful. It is pretty consistent, im thinking about dropping dark tutelages for 3x sign in bloods and dark tutelage side board against slower control heavy decks that will give it some breathing room. DT against another agro deck or a heavy hitting red deck isnt very strong.
Posted 28 June 2011 at 01:03


[QUOTE=BurnOneDown]ya sure, could be helpeful. It is pretty consistent, im thinking about dropping dark tutelages for 3x sign in bloods and dark tutelage side board against slower control heavy decks that will give it some breathing room. DT against another agro deck or a heavy hitting red deck isnt very strong.[/QUOTE]
The low life thing is exactly why this version of the deck runs a playset of Death's Shadow.
Here's a link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=202313
Posted 28 June 2011 at 14:10


[QUOTE=Safearus]The low life thing is exactly why this version of the deck runs a playset of Death's Shadow.
Here's a link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=202313[/QUOTE]

Interesting build, looks good though...
Posted 28 June 2011 at 16:37
