Discussion Forum

Indestructible knight deck

Hello everyone,
I am pretty new to MTG and enjoy playing the game with friends allot.
I made my very first attempt at a knight deck. I would like to know what you folks think about my deck, and maybe give me some advice. :D

Posted 13 June 2011 at 21:15


1: drop 19 cards
2: a single copy of knight of the reliquary is not worth splashing green for, if you're not building the deck around him, drop green altogether
Posted 14 June 2011 at 17:41


I was thinking about going mono white.
ill adjust the deck. :D
Posted 14 June 2011 at 22:56


I have updated the deck to mono white.
I am thinking about having 4 x Elspeth Tirel in the deck instead of knight-errant.
Posted 18 June 2011 at 19:48


Moved this over to a more appropriate board. Hopefully it will also net you some more help. :D

EDIT: Erm, just noticed this is not a 100% standard deck, I should have moved it to the Eternal board...
Posted 18 June 2011 at 21:14


I'd have to say that using the minimum amount of cards possible nets you the best chance of getting the cards you do want. Thus, I'd say that removing cards that would be dead against certain decks, such as Celestial Purge and maybe White Knight, putting into the sideboard.

Squadron Hawks don't work as well in your deck as Kemba's Skyguard, but the hawks are good in general and cost less. Looks like you are heavily looking at protection, so I'd suggest Apostate's Blessing for it's protection from artifacts.

Also, one of the good things about white is artifact removal. In such an artifact heavy block, it is almost required.
Posted 19 June 2011 at 08:21


ill try to go standard on this deck.
Also you have a point about using protection against artifacts, since the whole of Mirrodin is nothing but artifacts.
Ill try to work on it more... thanks for the advice!
Posted 22 June 2011 at 02:10
