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Color combos
Hi, I was just bored so I took apart all of my mono-color decks (besides my white/green knight deck) and am going to make them all over again. I like aspects of each color, but I'm looking for some new color combos that would be fun to build decks around. I have a lot of cards, but I don't really know any good combos between cards that I have. I like only having 60-80 cards, so tri-color decks would probably be out of the question because that would be insanely hard. Anybody got any suggestions?
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Posted 12 June 2011 at 23:23
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A lot of that depends on how you are looking to play. I started out playing red/blue back in the days of revised-4th, but now in standard I'd be (personally) hard pressed to make a decent red/blue. My mill deck is tri-color white/blue/black, and to be honest, it does pretty well. Any color combo can be good just as well as it can be bad. I've seen a lot of red-white aggro, blue-black control, and red-black vampires recently. The real key to making multiple colors work is finding the lands that let them. I personally use a lot of white-blue. The white provides me with enough little, fast creatures to let me get the larger blue spells rolling. If you want to really have fun, I'd recommend building a 5 color deck (still 60 cards) with Etched Monstrosity. Another thing to remember, just because you mana ramp is green, doesn't mean you have to fetch a green card.
Posted 13 June 2011 at 02:13
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