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it kinda is another myr deck, it kinda isn't


input? not my usual myr build with the mono-white tempered myrs but, i couldn't help trying to figure out how to incorporate these cards. let me know what you think and how you would change it as this is my next big project and i would love to go out and buy these cards if i can get it to work:)
Posted 06 June 2011 at 20:42


I'm not a huge fan of Contaminated Ground and Spreading Seas in this deck. Man-lands aren't running quite as rampant as they used to, and the amount of decks out there running U, B, or a combination of them is alot, so you won't hurt many decks out there with these. I would either use a playset of either Ichor Wellspring, or Tumble Magnets.
Posted 07 June 2011 at 05:17


[QUOTE=pete_h]I'm not a huge fan of Contaminated Ground and Spreading Seas in this deck. Man-lands aren't running quite as rampant as they used to, and the amount of decks out there running U, B, or a combination of them is alot, so you won't hurt many decks out there with these. I would either use a playset of either Ichor Wellspring, or Tumble Magnets.[/QUOTE]

very good point. i didn't even think of that when i put those in here. i think what i'll do then is put a set of wellspring in for draw power/sac arti for the monument and either keep the contaminated and spreading sideboard or switch them out all together for a set of tumble magnets.
Posted 07 June 2011 at 13:31
