Discussion Forum

B/R Infect - Suggestions

This is the current deck that I am playing at FNMs:


This past FNM, I went 4-1-0, and placed 4th out of 19 players, and I am looking for opinions of the deck, and suggestions as to how I should modify the deck as October slowly draws nearer. General suggestions of cards that could improve the idea are also welcome.
Posted 05 June 2011 at 05:07


At first I was thinking 'why are you running red?' but I do understand why. It's the same reason the old (hah, old being two months ago at most) Kibler U/B infect even had blue. It gave you some mainboard cards, and sideboard options. Your main only runs a little red, only what's necessary, and your side runs very good options.

I guess the real question is, what do you find yourself having issues with? To work on improving a deck, you first need to see where the faults lie in the decks you've faced. Also, your meta makes it a factor also, so if you're seeing a lot of netdeckers (I'm not dissing them, I do it too... lol) or a lot of rogue decks, then it's way different.
Posted 11 June 2011 at 10:17
