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UB infect

So i know we have all seen these kinds of decks before, but this is the deck im running atm, and am looking to use it in tournaments this year. Does anyone have any feedback? its undefeated thus far and i cant think of anything i want to change except the sideboard.


Posted 01 June 2011 at 04:11


Nice, you're running a ramp type of build. A turn 4 hasted Skithiryx is usually GG against most decks.

One thing I would suggest is using a full set of Inquisitions, and dropping Duress. With this deck you can win very quickly, so stopping your opponents early game plays seems more important than stopping a Planeswalker later in the game.

I'm also not a big fan of Surgical Extraction in the main deck. Against a lot of decks it is just a dead draw. It's excellent in the sideboard, but in the main deck I'd suggest more discard instead.

Finally, Steel Sabotage isn't so good. Most Artifacts that matter are going to be equipments that get cheated into play by Stoneforge. You could try and Steel Sabotage to return it to their hand, and then force them to discard it with another card, but you're just 2-for-1ing yourself in that case.

Have you tried playtesting with Whispering Spectre? Often getting in just one hit with it with something like Vampire's Bite on it, and then sacrificing it will just ruin your opponents chances of winning.
Posted 01 June 2011 at 04:59


I definately agree with the surgical extractions. They are much better in the side board i think. I havent had much success playing with them. So i will try taking out those and replacing them with an extra two kozileks (the reason why i wasnt running four of them was just because i only have two atm :p)

yeh i dont think the steel sabotage is required. I can generally just doomblade a creature or mana leak anything else thats important in terms of artifacts. What would you suggest replacing them with in the sideboard?

as for the Whispering Spectre, i like it, but i dont think my deck is aggro enough to run him. because if i wait one more turn i can put down a vatmother and then cast distortion strikes on him to hit for 5 infect unblockable two turns in a row with the rebound. I will try play testing with him becuase its definately a viable card, but i think my deck would need to be reworked a lot to run him well. basically, unless i already have some early poison counters on them, i would much rather play a crusader for the same mana cost - first strike infect counters is win!

thanks heaps for your help! the extra kozileks should make a difference and im interested to see how the whispering spectre runs :)
Posted 01 June 2011 at 05:37


Just updated the list a bit. just little tweaks. please have a look and give me some feedback! :)

Posted 03 June 2011 at 01:20
