Discussion Forum

Rate my first deck!

First off i just want to say hi all, i'm new to MTG and these forums. although im sure you will be seeing a lot more of me.

So i started playing mtg. about a week ago, and its been mainly spent doing research and increasing my inventory. I think i have a overall grasp on the game and what i need to do in order to win.

This is the best deck i could come up with after a weeks time and about 50 or so dollars spent.

My frist intro deck was a red/blue metalcraft deck, i really took a liking to the metal craft so i stuck with that, but one of my friends let me use his green "beatdown" deck, and i really liked that as well. So i combined the two.

So give me tips! Don't be afraid of being critical ether, im a quick learner and played wow for 5 years...

So rate and tell me what i can do to improve my first deck.
Posted 30 May 2011 at 00:30


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