Discussion Forum

RDW Artifact

Hello, I'm still trying to make a decently competitive deck (as in, good enough to compete while still having unusual card choices), so I figured a RDW could be fairly budget-friendly.

This deck revolves around surviving long enough to start pumping out titans/red sun's zenith/molten dragon with the use of all that extra mana from proliferated everflowing and koth of the hammer.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 14:19


You've actually just built a Kuldotha Phoenix deck.

I love the Phoenix deck personally, it is incredibly hard for a lot of decks to deal with, as long as you have artifacts out, you're usually winning by smacking them in the face with a 4/4 Flying beater.

2 suggestions. Replace Titan Forge with Tumble Magnet. And find a way to fit in 2 more Kuldotha Phoenix. You will never regret drawing into a K Phoenix during matches.
Posted 29 May 2011 at 18:32
