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i used to build infect......
and i just did again! i have been building construct/myr decks now ever since though and i couldn't help but try my hand at infect again:)
please take a looksie and see what you think. This deck is designed more realistically then the others who spend the whole deck used for pumps to try and win t3/t4. this one is designed for games that span past t5.
28 posts
Posted 25 May 2011 at 12:39
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It looks pretty bad to be honest. All you've done is take away all the instant pump spells and replaced them with a single pump enchantment.
What happens when someone revokes your enchantment the turn after you cast it? Now you're left with what are arguably some of the worst infect creatures printed, overcosted for what they do.
The reason infect pump works is because you kill someone before they have a chance to set up blockers and counter mana. Your deck removes all that speed.
Have you tried testing the deck at all? It seems like it would lose to just about everything from valakut to vampires to caw-blade.
Posted 25 May 2011 at 17:12
28 posts
the idea behind it was to avoid pump spells.....yes, i understand that having a bunch of pumps is the idea with infect with low drop cost, but if you've played infect decks before like that, you know you get the Nuts draw once in a while...very inconsistent. So my idea was, stop trying to get lucky and end the game in t3/t4, and make an infect deck that can hold its own in a regular match...
so yeah, this may not be the greatest thing on earth, but its a start to something that has been done a million times over with a fresh outlook. ever wonder why infect doesn't place in tourneys? its because it sucks. but i honestly believe that nobody has really tried to create something viable with it.
yeah, there are holes in it, but thats the point of building, and playtesting.....right? seeing as i am at work and don't have access to my cards or anyone else that plays, im building decks out of memory of cards.
thanks for being constructive by the were def. helpful;)
Posted 25 May 2011 at 17:38
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