Discussion Forum

Bloodchief Ascencion - U/B Control

Lately I've really been feeling like trying to make a Bloodchief/Mindcrank deck work but I'm not the best at constructing decks; I've rearranged some ideas to try and make it work so any comments would be appreciated.

I know when it comes to lands I should have creeping tar pits but I'm afraid I don't have them, besides that, any other suggestions are welcome.

The idea behind the sideboard is pretty much turning the deck into an emergency U/B control.

Posted 20 May 2011 at 16:08


I think the best way to make the bloodcrank combo work is if it is more of an after thought.

Build more of a U/B control deck that can go infinite if it draws the cards, but isn't powerless without them.
Posted 20 May 2011 at 17:15
