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I Made Xenographt Work.

I was looking at an old ally deck a while back and saw that in my white/green i splashed black for hagra diabolist, but it didn't work (b/c allies don't work, rofl...)
anyways, I wanted to see if i could get around it. :) so i made this sucker up


basically, I ramp :manag:/ draw :manau:/ counter their spells :manau: into a xenographt / genesis wave:manag:, then wreck face.:manab:/:manag:

see, (and i think i'm right about this ruling) i get a turntimber or something, right? So xenographt enters (genesis wave comes in all at the same time, so i can get optimum effectiveness), i call allies, then a just one ally enters, it triggers turntimber, who makes a wolf (that enters as an ally,) then that token triggers turntimber again, and ya-de-da. you get it

also, another alt win con is hagra diabolist. PEWPEW ftw. :)

I totally made xenograft work, with allies, control, and ramp. :) plus. i run jace. what could go wrong? :D:manag::manau: btw. :)
so check it out? and please, hit "like" if you like the idea, it would mean a lot to me, or leave me lots of comments on there. I like all the criticism I can get. seriously, I do. :)
Posted 18 May 2011 at 04:19


Yes, Xenograft + Turntimber = Infinite Rangers. People have been trying to make that deck work ever since New Phyrexia was spoiled.

I've yet to see it do well over on Magic-League though. My playtest partner is trying to make a version of it work currently, but there's still lots of tweaking to do I think.

The plus side is that you basically just run an Ally deck that has a chance to go infinite.
Posted 18 May 2011 at 05:02
