Discussion Forum

Phyrexia Shutdown

Honestly I got the idea to build this deck from the NPH set. I bought the RW and RB intro packs, and I loved the decks! I thought about how both were built around true phyrexian fashion of life sacrifice and life theft. So I gave myself a challenge to build a deck that was designed to shutdown and opponent from spells and creatures, but the best I could come up with so far (when working with a budget) was the deck on this post. It's a RBW, with some life gain, life steal and forced sac, and a little bit of aggressive red. I'm thinking I'm going to take some of the red out and some white as well and make the black side a little sluttier for competitive play.


I'd appreciate all comments and additions/subtractions to be made. And just to show my appreciation for anybody that helps make this a little slicker will get a comment and like for a deck or two of their choice.
Posted 16 May 2011 at 16:31


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