Discussion Forum

esper tezz beats

i made a t2 tezz aggro deck a while back that made it to the front page, and have played with it often, i've made a lot of changes since then, and the deck is awesome!

I've gone overall 18-10-3, and it's a blast to play, not to mention i love that it's a homebrew! :)

But NPH is coming out, and basically every card that needed fixing or tweaking in my deck before, now will work. the deck is even better now, and will destroy. I'm working on numbers though, and a few choices. look here at the list and let me know what you think?

pre-nph list

post-nph list

there are a few cards that are up for debate in the post - nph list.

hovermyr - a 2 drop 1/2 flyer with vig. i really like it, but it definitely has it's downsides. not to mention how many of them I want... :(

Vault Skirge - a 1 uncolored, 1 black phyrexian (can pay either black or 2 life) 1/1 flyer that has lifelink

and then the numbers of the following:

etched champion
steel overseer
phrexian revoker
hex parasite
porcelain legionnaire (i know i want 3 of at least, though)
inquisition (i know i want 3 of at least, too)
memnite (again, i know i want at least 3 of)

if you check out the deck though and you like it, be sure to hit like for me? I'd like to get tons of comments too, so if you take a look at the deck at all, just put in the comment maybe a rating out of 10 or something so i know what people overall feel. and of course, i'd love more in depth help too. :)

thanks a lot in advanced guys!
Posted 04 May 2011 at 23:37


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