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Black Infect, need someone to help.

So, I made another ("not again" some may say) Infect deck. I love the mechanic and I've been using it since SOM came out, now I made a mono-Black Infect that's going to be my main deck from now on, and I need help Improving it

Note: I'm using SOM and M11 cards only

Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=159671
Posted 14 March 2011 at 09:48


Time for a Shameless Bump.
Posted 17 March 2011 at 12:10


you need to add at minimum 4 lands to get you to 20 lands ad 4 sac lands and 2 more regular lands to put you at 22 lands. I have a hard time believing that you do not have issues getting out some of your 3, 4, 5 drop mobs with you current mana curve.

Also, some key cards you are missing which are vital in the current meta game.
You can mix and match as you so choose but you need to run probably 6-10 of the following 3 cards. Ratchet bomb, (for quest and caw-blade), main deck/sideboard black sun's, and tumble magnet. OMG tumble magnet is sooo pro.

Also, it is my personal opinion that you are running too much creatures.

I would shrink it down to the following
4 necropede, 4 plague myr, 3 crusaders, 4 plague stingers, 2 skittles

get rid of the life drain destruction control. and run grasp of darkness -4/-4 instant for 2 black.

run a combo of either virulent swipe or vampire's bite. whatever you think is better,
i personally prefer vampire's bit because it gives me the option for life gain. and there is also no guarantees that they will not have an answer for virulent swipes rebound your next turn.
Posted 17 March 2011 at 14:48


Here is the deck i run at my FNM. I always place in the top 3 with it and this is an FNM with about 30-40 people with many high quality players.

Posted 17 March 2011 at 15:00
