Discussion Forum

White Aggro Deck

So, I have a deck I built, and JUST realized my land ratio is kinda off... but it's still in progress at the moment.

The concept: Basic beatdown
Key Cards: * 4x Hero of Bladehold
* 4x Mirran Crusader
* 4x Contested War Zone

The Deck: White Aggro

Right now, this deck is totally built, and I have play tested it quite a bit. With friends and by itself. I'm actually short 1 Contested War Zone at the moment.
I normally run an aggro deck with 20 lands, and they normally run quite well that way. When I posted the list on MTG Vault I realized that I have 23 in the deck, but cannot think of many other things to add in place to drop it down. And at the same time, it tends to work well enough that I hesitate to change it.

Suggestions and constructive criticism would be awesome! Thanks everyone :D
Posted 10 March 2011 at 04:23


To be honest, i'm not sure what your deck's doing. It seems like you're diluting it with expensive spells (ie sun titan and phyrexian rebirth) as well as adding some odd maindeck choices (flayer husk and mortarpod). If you're looking to make this white aggro, then play more white cards! Brave the Elements and Honor of the Pure are a good start. If you wanna get spicy, Knight Exemplar is actually good here (Crusader, Paladin and Hero are all knights! :D)
Posted 15 March 2011 at 01:37


[QUOTE=NightLoki]To be honest, i'm not sure what your deck's doing. It seems like you're diluting it with expensive spells (ie sun titan and phyrexian rebirth) as well as adding some odd maindeck choices (flayer husk and mortarpod). If you're looking to make this white aggro, then play more white cards! Brave the Elements and Honor of the Pure are a good start. If you wanna get spicy, Knight Exemplar is actually good here (Crusader, Paladin and Hero are all knights! :D)[/QUOTE]
Well, the concept of the deck is for quick aggro. Mainly based around the War Cry mechanic. The reason for the Sun Titan and Phyrexian Rebirth were mainly for late-game endeavors. I'm considering swapping the Rebirth for a DoJ. And the Exemplar is fantastic but I don't happen to own any right now... Mainly used the Mortarpod as flying removal of sorts and the flayer husk was just for a first turn drop. I already swapped out the Mortarpods for Brave The Elements and for the time being removed the Phyrexian Rebirth, Bonehoard, and two Flayer Husks for a playset of Emerge Unscathed

Thanks for the suggestions! :)
Posted 18 March 2011 at 14:00
