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Tell me what you want.
Dear [MTG Vault Username],
This post goes against everything I believe in and everything I've ever known about running websites. You should never ask your users what they want. However, I'm at a loss, I feel out of touch and I want to make sure I don't mess up what we have here. For this reason I'm opening this site up for critque and suggestion.
I want every one of you (even you lurkers out there) to help this site to be the very best it can be. Can you please all to give me the following things:
* 3 reasons you like the site, why do you come here, why do you use the site it's best features.
* 3 reasons you don't like the site, things that make you not want to use it and its worst attributes.
* 3 features/suggestions that you can think off that will make this site even better.
Can your posts be written in the following format so they can be easily read:
3 things I like:
3 things I don't like:
3 things I want:
229 posts
Posted 03 February 2011 at 18:43
89 replies
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536 posts
3 things I like:
1. It's an open community for people to discuss MTG.
2. Deck Challenges give members something to do if they're running short of ideas.
3. It gives me a place to share deck ideas when there is a lack of players in my area
3 things I dislike:
I am fine with everything thus far. Anything wrong that happens is immediately dealt with, and the site is adaptable with very involved programmers willing to change the site whenever needed.
The only problem I see is the fact that you let the actions of your users influence your decisions about the site a little too much. Users will be users, and you should let them be that way. Don't be afraid to experiment, and as long as you see a positive outlook, keep it. Sure, the more experienced of us on this site, including myself, will warn you of what could go wrong, but if anything happens, you can just stop it at any time. That's the beauty of what we have here: you can do what you want with the site, and change everything back very quickly. Right now, the site serves its purpose: to give MTG players a place to discuss decks wherever and whenever they please.
In short: do what you want with the site, as nothing on MTGVault is irreversible for you.
Posted 03 February 2011 at 20:06
4,543 posts
3 things I like:
1) I like that I can show others my decks, and see theirs. It's a "vault" (pun wasn't intended) of mutual deck knowledge/sharing.
2) The community and how everyone can discuss MTG amongst each-other.
3) The community in general. This place is a rare gem in how almost every person here is a cool dude.
3 things I don't like:
1) While I love the laid-back feel of this place 99% of the time, it's that 1% of the time where someone has to grow a pair and show some authority...and I don't know if I've seen that yet. "Speak softly, but carry a big stick".
2) Little minor things just irk me every once in a while. Like the lack of profile pics on deck comments, you can't see your deck's price, and aside from the "draw sample hand", you can't really test out your deck (this one is really no big deal at all, just would be neat).
3) Hell I don't know. There's only three of you guys. I think you all should have realized that you need to employ extra help for those times you aren't around.
3 things I want:
1) Get help. Employ moderators and/or find more people to act as admins. Moderators are almost a necessity on sites like these, and I'm surprised you guys still haven't done this.
2) Without sounding like a jerk...Man up! This goes back to the 1% of the time where being laid back just doesn't work. Batman69 cheated, spammed, trolled, flamed, used offensive language, and even threatened to hack the site. Yet you guys didn't do anything past taking one of the 4 decks he cheated up off the top list. Not banning him into oblivion shows weakness, and will in the long run encourage other "batmans" to follow suite. I know jerks like these always come back even from an IP ban, but the threat stops a huge amount of them.
3) don't worry so much. Yeah, some problems need fixing, but that's it. It's not that big of a deal. As already stated, whatever you do can be undone, and no matter what, it's still the Vault. :D
Posted 03 February 2011 at 21:06
376 posts
3 things I like:
1) The site is generally accessible and very easy to use.
2) The sample hand ability is amazing.
3) The deck building features are generally pretty good.
3 things to work on:
1) Commenting giving an automatic 2 likes INCLUDING when a person comments on their own deck. I have noticed a large amount of decks getting on the top decks list not neccesarily becazuse they are good, but because they needed lots of help or comments.
2) Sometimes decks aren't easily found in the search feature. I'm not sure if it's because the decks are "works in progress", but when searching for a deck by specific name, I'd like to see it.
3) The search feature could use improvements like the ability to use the + button to list words you want on a card, but not neccesarily in the exact order.
I know I have a lot of things I'd like changed, but I have to say I LOVE the site for a lot of reasons and you're doing a fantastic job. Thansk so much :)
Posted 04 February 2011 at 02:41
229 posts
Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback, it's all good stuff! Come on all you non-posters, I know you're out there! :P
Posted 04 February 2011 at 09:28
418 posts
3 things I like:
1) Extremely friendly and open community.
2) Forum system.
3) Easy to use Deck-Building system.
3 things I don't like:
1) Website looks a little dull. If we had a way of changing the colors on this website it would make it more appealing to look at, especially for people who like bright colors like me.
2) No real way of Reporting a Deck without having a Forum Account.
3) More unknown users of MTG Vault that are new to the system or haven't been on the Front Page usually never get any Comments and get no attention at all. This causes many users on this site to Comment on your Decks saying nothing but "Check out my Decks." and they are quite a persistent bunch.
3 things I want:
1) Promo Cards. I'm that guy you see at FNMs showing up with cool Promo Cards and loves to show them off, and I think it would be pretty cool if we could have an option of having Promo Cards in your Deck.
2) Changing names. I'm so sick of my username, and have an updated version and I'm sure some people out there who mistakenly made a typo or dislike their username agree as will.
3) If Administrators (such as you and Ian) Comment on Decks every once in a while, it would be very interesting and would give more character to you guys and would make this Website much more unique.
Posted 04 February 2011 at 15:25
156 posts
3 things I like:
1) It´s a great tool to save my decks, if it wasn´t for mtgvault, I would probably lose most of my decks...
2) The Feedback. It´s always good to know what other people think of my decks, and I can get help from the community. That's win-win.
3)The articles and deck challenges. The articles are written carefully, the writer tries to see both sides of something... Deck challenges can give you some ideas if you're clueless.
3 things I don't like:
1) Sometimes people make comments that don't help the builder at all, and sometimes they're even offensive, which is just wrong.
2) The cheating. People commenting themselves so that they make the top decks makes me so angry! Some hard-working guys may not make it because of them!
3) As Surewhynot said, and I agree, I don´t like that abuse of freedom from part of users like batman69..
As you may have noticed, the things I don't like are for people to change, not mtgvault. Come on people this was designed for us, you can use it for free, so why do things like this....
3 things I want:
1) This may be asking a lot, but maybe the mana occurrence could be operative during deck building, this would help because you could chose what lands to add after seeing the mana occurrence stat...
2) Maybe moderators for each segment of the site, again surewhynot had some neat ideas!
3) More articles to keep me going! I don't know if this is possible but maybe some more articles, I love to read them!
That's all I had before suggested some of the above, but it's never to much to help! :D
Posted 04 February 2011 at 23:25
112 posts
3 Things I like:
1) The deck challenges thing. I think it encourages people to come up with unique ideas
2) The ability to share decks easily and quickly
3) The possibility of the sponsorship for deck challenges.
3 Things I don't like
1) The fact that most people only want help, not to give it
2) This is a exteamly small thing, but that is good, because it means there is nothing else. I am wondering if the security on login is necessary. Every time i leave the page I need to re-log in.
3 things I want
1)This is a rather big thing, but I think this would benifit many people. I think a price display would be very helpful. One display, next to the number of cards on the deck list, and one display on the right sidebar saying total cost. Also, I notice that you went to the trouble to give us a little box when searching for cards to add to decks that is the color of the card. As I think this is hardly nessisary, I wounder if you could take that out, and add the price. You could have a spider crawl [] to get the price.
2)Nothing else that I have not already mentioned.
Posted 08 February 2011 at 03:17
1,441 posts
3 things to work on:
1) Commenting giving an automatic 2 likes INCLUDING when a person comments on their own deck. I have noticed a large amount of decks getting on the top decks list not neccesarily becazuse they are good, but because they needed lots of help or comments.
2) Sometimes decks aren't easily found in the search feature. I'm not sure if it's because the decks are "works in progress", but when searching for a deck by specific name, I'd like to see it.
3) The search feature could use improvements like the ability to use the + button to list words you want on a card, but not neccesarily in the exact order.
I'd like to add on to #2...
I don't think this is possible now but searching for a certain card in a deck would be pretty cool, for example: I search Thrun, the Last Troll in the deck search and decks that have him in it will appear.
Posted 08 February 2011 at 05:52
349 posts
Ok fuck it, here goes
3 things I like:
1) a forum for casual magic while most other sites are about tourney play
2) articles by casual players for casual players
3) the handful of cool dudes who stick around and really know the game
3 things I don't like:
1) the seperation between the vault and the forum
2) the vault in general, it's a terrible site IMO, no offense. I can see the appeal, it's the vault that drew me to this site but the implementation sucks.
3) the entire vote on decks, and the fuss it creates. it's for children.
3 things I want:
1) The forum becomming the heart of the site with no MTGVault as it is now. Instead I would like to see a strong forum deck-view integration. You want to post decks to discus them. the forum is ideal for that, the vault is not.
2) A strong feature rich search engine on the deck database. pretty much what many other sites have and we don't.
3) better deck view, with image view on mouse over, better statistics, etc... A deck view that I could use to build decks rather then just view them.
Most people post on the forum so people will find their deck in the vault but there is no further interaction. A lot of posters don't even return to the forum after posting their deck. The community here is really divided by the seperation of vault and forum.
Posted 08 February 2011 at 09:27
229 posts
[quote=dagbaker]I'd like to add on to #2...
I don't think this is possible now but searching for a certain card in a deck would be pretty cool, for example: I search Thrun, the Last Troll in the deck search and decks that have him in it will appear.[/quote]
Go to the deck search, check the Search by card name radio button and then hit search! ;)
Posted 08 February 2011 at 09:45
708 posts
I totally agree with whitey mcfly and surewhynot, but still here is my opinion.
1) I like the fact that I have a place to store deck ideas rather than just on an excel spreadsheet.
2) I enjoy interacting and helping people on the site with their decks (when I can).
3) The fact that it is a very easy to use system.
What I dislike:
1) The "like" system is totally unneccessary and very childish.
2) That the forum is apart from MTGVault.
What I'd like to see:
1) I'd like to see the you guys (the Administrators) take part more often, even maybe post your own deck ideas.
All in all the others said most of what I think is needed, but I still want to thank you guys for a wonderful site.:D
Posted 08 February 2011 at 15:17
112 posts
What I want: A infect or at least poison deck type.
Posted 09 February 2011 at 01:19
1,441 posts
[QUOTE=Gary]Go to the deck search, check the Search by card name radio button and then hit search! ;)[/QUOTE]
yeah I found it right after I posted... sigh :]
Posted 09 February 2011 at 06:26
349 posts
[QUOTE=iancj]What I want: A infect or at least poison deck type.[/QUOTE]
so you would have them add a decktype for every subtype/tribal/mechanic ever printed??? wow, that's sounds like a great improvement!
Posted 09 February 2011 at 07:44
112 posts
[QUOTE=Seth]so you would have them add a decktype for every subtype/tribal/mechanic ever printed??? wow, that's sounds like a great improvement![/QUOTE]
Just the really common ones. "Rouge", "Horde" "Prison" etc are rarely used.
Infect, Metalcraft, and Equipment have been going on for over a year, in the case of Equipment, and are rather common decks. While Prison, in particular, is very uncommon, and can easily be listed as other. In fact, it might be a good idea to let people type in their own deck types.
Posted 09 February 2011 at 22:50
786 posts
[quote=iancj]Just the really common ones. "Rouge", "Horde" "Prison" etc are rarely used.
Infect, Metalcraft, and Equipment have been going on for over a year, in the case of Equipment, and are rather common decks. While Prison, in particular, is very uncommon, and can easily be listed as other. In fact, it might be a good idea to let people type in their own deck types.[/quote]
I really dont need to look at every deck some person makes just to see RAPE or GODLY or WIN as the deck type each time :P
Posted 10 February 2011 at 00:33
112 posts
[QUOTE=rileyandholly88]I really dont need to look at every deck some person makes just to see RAPE or GODLY or WIN as the deck type each time :P[/QUOTE]
Haha yeah your right. Didn't think of that.
Posted 10 February 2011 at 04:41
349 posts
[QUOTE=iancj]Infect, Metalcraft, and Equipment have been going on for over a year[/QUOTE]
If you think anyone is going to be making infect or metalcraft decks in 2 years from now you must be pretty new to the game. Today everyone makes infect decks, because wizards just printed the mechanic, tomorrow 60% of the posters here won't even know what infect/metalcraft is and the 95% of those that do won't be using the mechanic in their decks because neither is very eternal worthy.
In the case of equipment it's a strategy that sticks around although these days with the likes of Stoneforge Mystic and Stonehewer Giant can you really call a deck with 3 to 4 equipment cards in it an equipment deck?
Simple Aggro would be a more accurate term. And those decks that do pack 10 equipment are better served with a 'bad deck' category.
Posted 10 February 2011 at 07:44
573 posts
3 things I like:
1) Deck Challenges.
2) Bulk Card input
3) Sample Hands
3 things I don't like:
1) The separation of the Vault and the Forums.
2) Lack of notification when someone comments on your deck or reply's back.
3) The way Sample hands are randomized doesn't reflect a played deck as much as it could. Sometimes I get hands of 7 lands or all 4 of one of my cards which is something that would be extremely rare in a real deck.
3 things I want:
1) I really really really wish that when you hover your mouse over a card in a deck for a second or 2 it would pop up a preview image of the card just like it does in the sample hand view. I hate clicking on cards over and over to reread them and I end up with tons of opens windows and tabs because of it.
2) I wish there was a simple card search box on the main page at the top for quick searches.
3) Deck price estimators or show average card price when you hover over a card.
4) When you do post a deck link in a deck comment I wish you could click on the URL.
Either way I love the site and it is my favorite overall deck building site.
Posted 10 February 2011 at 18:29
8 posts
Heyhey. Thought long and hard about this:
3 things I like:
1) the public-forum nature of submitting decks to a committed community and being able to recieve feedback.
2) the fact that there isn't a 'like' or 'dislike' button on the decks. I find people tend to misuse these and 'dislike' things on the wrong grounds, rather than the quality of the deck. Bravo on not including this over-used and much-abused system.
3) the amazing wealth of ideas flowing through the site. Fostering this creativity is something we should all aim for.
3 things I dislike:
1) the gap between good deckbuilders and bad deckbuilders, and the fact that a catchy titled deck often gets more recognition than a genuinely good one, is an unfortunate injustice to the talent of the users of this site.
2) the fact that the more experienced players and innovators are often berated and under-used as a community resource, because of the not-entirely-merit-based site structure. People seem to get their own way often by deleting posts, slinging insults or shouting.
3) the fact that a deck will find it impossible to become re-popular. Perhaps after a certain amount of time they should become eligable again?
things I want to see:
1) i'd like to see the more experienced players given a sort of 'oracle' role. Maybe allow a small number of well-spoken, innovative members to write a column for your site on a semi-regular basis. This would strengthen the community, as they could reference other site members and give them recognition for their ideas and so forth. It would be a good way of spreading knowledge and skills within the users of the site.
2) more moderation. I know there are a few trustworthy site users who would like to give back to the community (i put myself in their number) and i'm sure they would help moderate the site for you.
3) more recognition for consistently excellent contributors. A monthly 'virtual prize' such as a gold star would be neat. Completely superficial, granted, but pretty neat all the same.
Posted 11 February 2011 at 00:20
1,801 posts
Three things I like about this site
1: The laid back approach to a community, creating a more organic feel, than other sites which involve more of a forced integration of minds.
2: How effectiveness & efficiency of the vault as a design tool, what used to take me hours takes me mere minutes thanks to the vault!
3: Coming back to community again, the fact that unlike a lot of places, the community on here is overall some pretty cool people, rather than a bunch of uptight-tourney-only smeggers.
Three things I do not like about this site
1: The lack of privacy. Sometimes you want to keep something about a deck a surprise, or hide a deck you're working on for a tourney from the general populace.
2: The vault seems to be missing several of the rarer prints for card, such as the Judge, or DCI promos. Sometimes you just want to show off :cool:
3: This goes along with what has been said and said, but I honestly think you should consider enlarging the work force. It would be better for the sites health, and for yours.
And finally, three things I'd like to see
1: Back to the privacy issue, I would really enjoy a private, or team building function. For a lot of tournament players this would be a great boon, especially if they had a good system to control who is able to see it.
2: Again, I like the promo cards, especially the art from the Judge Promos. Bitterblossom and Wasteland are amazing!
3: Really, I'd just like some sort of sticker for making it to the top decks list. I'm not usually about being flashy, but I still like the kindergarten 'gold sticker' approach to things.
Posted 28 April 2011 at 08:38
542 posts
Pretty much everything has been said. But I'll toss in my 2 mana anyways.
The community itself. You guys rock. A balanced mix of experienced and new players, and even more in between. Nobody is discouraged from giving advice, good or bad, instead it creates opportunity for discussion rather than simple flame/bashing bad ideas. Very constructive.
The segregation of the Vault's tools and the forums. Forums are more community centric, and therefore I think (if you're looking for change) the future of the Vault would be more productive if the main page integrated existing Vault features with the forums. How this would be accomplished is subject to an entirely different thread dedicated just to that.
Integrate the Vault and forums.
Add a feature to export decks to Apprentice, OCTGN, or another such service (??) to allow for adequate simulation of how a deck would run. Sample hands do not provide an adequate simulation, as tutors & fetches would shuffle a library, and that is hugely significant.
Implement a more powerful system of tracking when a friend has published a new deck, and when somebody has commented on one of your decks, or to one of your comments on another deck.
And finally: I like top decks, even though more often than not it's the same few people generating enough comments & likes. Those users & that popularity, however, typically generates a lot of insightful conversation, which can be beneficial to read through. It'd be nice to offer a "Featured" spot, though, which would randomly feature N number of decks per day, that have been published within the last 24, 48, or however many hours, and have not had any (or many) comments. There are more decks being published than people willing to look through them all and comment on them. This creates problems for users looking for useful feedback. This could be addressed any number of ways, including things mentioned previously within this thread.. but this is just another idea, depending on if, and if so what changes you decide to make to the Vault.
Posted 14 May 2011 at 16:08
28 posts
I hate to say it Seth, but i've been playing since 3rd edition and I can say that I understand what you are saying when you said that infect and metalcraft will basically be forgotten over the next year or so, but I don't think you really thought that through completely. Because of how much people are wanting Infect to work, WoTC will keep it around and work on it until they come out with a set that they will have to release an apology for due to some card being overly epic (I.E. jtms) Just imagine they release a plainswalker who is infect based with some stupid loyalty ability like "+1 ability: target opponent gets poison counter" "-2 ability: each creature your opponent controls gets -1/-1 counters then proliferate" and then last ability -X: " creatures you control gain infect, trample, and +X/+X until end of turn"
and as far as metalcraft goes, i honestly don't think that will be going away for a while. all the current sets are artifact heavy, and i believe it will stay that way for even more time to come thanks TO metalcraft offering the boosts that it does.
Posted 25 May 2011 at 14:50
49 posts
First off, I'd like to say thanks for a wonderful site. I really enjoy it, and the improvements that have been made have been great steps in the right direction.
3 things I like:
-I really like the community. You will always have a select few jerk-offs no matter what, but as a whole I've had a great experience with the other members here.
-Being able to show off some of my decks, even if most of them aren't worth showing off... lol
-You guys always making changes in the interst of the users. It may be against what you believe in to do this, but I think this thread is a great idea, and can be a great tool to make a good site better.
3 things I don't like (I think most of my concerns have already been talked about by other users):
-When I do a card search and click on the card to look at it, I wish there was a link in that window that would show a list of decks with that card in it. I know you can do a deck search by card name, but sometimes I'll be just browsing cards, and want to look at decks that use a card I come across.
-I really don't like how there is no indication when someone comments on your deck, replies to your comment, or likes your deck. Maybe I've been spoiled by facebook, but I love how it has a dropdown menu that shows you all recent activity. Even if it's not the same system, any indication to activity would be good.
-As stated before, I wish you could show us the price of our decks. I know you have the ebay list thing for each card, but I would rather have prices come from a better source, and show what a whole deck is worth.
I think the 3 things I want to see are just changes to the 3 things I don't like... lol. I think the site is coming along really good, again want to thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
Edit: Reading Fail... I didn't read the first page and didn't go with the correct format... My apologies.
Posted 03 June 2011 at 17:15
275 posts
3 things I like:
1)The ability to post my decks, keep track of them, and the changes I make to them.
2)Getting help from experienced deck builders
3)Being able to get inspired by the numerous different decks that are posted here.
3 things I don't like:
1)The fact that most of the time, a deck I post needing help with will go un-noticed and doesn't get any help.
2)Like Surewhynot, I'd also like there to be a way to test the decks that you build.
3)You can't choose any form of promotional cards, or special sets, like From the Vault Exiled or between normal and foil.
3 things I want:
1)A way to test your decks in a more elaborate way.
2)Being able to choose promo cards, or specialty sets. And being able to choose whether or not the card(s) are foil or not.
3)A better comment system. Maybe a grouping of the types of decks. A group for Mill, Discard, and so forth. It might make it easier for those who need help to get the help they need.
Posted 20 June 2011 at 15:26
8 posts
3 things I like:
1) Ease of use
2) Lack of major restrictions in terms of deck building (size, et cetera -- I have termed one "deck" my library and use it to keep track of all the cards I own)
3) Deck search
1 thing I don't like:
1) It can be difficult to find site information from time to time (why no Commander updates to the database, for instance? Surely this is stated somewhere, right?)
1 thing I want:
1) Commander cards added to the database (Spell Crumple, new commanders, et cetera)
Posted 27 June 2011 at 03:04
787 posts
1) The users, good and bad, make this site what it is without question.
2) The ability to get advice on your decks from other experienced players.
3) The bulk import feature with the deck builder.
3 Dislikes:
1) Lack of promo card art. Some of us take quite a bit of pride in collecting these rare gems.
2) Unable to get help with a deck when I (or someone else) may actually need it.
3) Unable to put a picture on the vault other than the forum.
3 Suggestions:
1) I think setting up a privacy setting for decks would be a good idea. Being able to set them as a "Deck Idea" that only you and your friends can look at. Another setting for "Need Help" would be good too and maybe have their own section on the front page or maybe like the "Deck Challenges" spot... idk kinda stretching it probably.
2) A way to upload an avatar picture in the vault like you do in the forums would be pretty cool... I like my "drumhead"
3) Updating the Deck Type field with "Block", "Standard", "Extended",
"Legacy", "Vintage", and "Two-headed Giant" would be awesome, because not all deck types always fit, but those always do.
Either way, you guys have done a great job over the last year since I started coming to this site. Keep up the great work and thanks for the site.
Posted 13 July 2011 at 06:05
376 posts
2) Unable to get help with a deck when I (or someone else) may actually need it.[/QUOTE]
yeah unfortunately that can be a major downside to deckbuilding here: wading through all the nonsense...
i actually have a rather odd suggestion: an invite-only either deck-posting area or forum where only people have been invited can post decks and get help. Essentially we start with a small group of people and build by adding polite, respectful, thoughtful people who actually want to help others while receiving help until we have a community where help is always available. Again, either a forum area or deck-building and viewing area would really both do the trick :)
Posted 13 July 2011 at 14:13
206 posts
3 things I like:
1) Card Database.
2) People are friendly.
3) Easy to use.
3 things I don't like:
1) Inconsistency when you scan cards, and lack of promo art.
2) Unable to get help, unless posting on forums
3) lack of communication when it comes to the vault.
3 things I want:
1) Promo art, and more consistency when you scan cards.
2) Ability to use the vault on mobile devices.
3) PMs, or some other form of notifications that says when a friend posts a deck, or comments on one, on the vault.
Posted 13 July 2011 at 15:32
787 posts
[QUOTE=SpippyTheInsane]yeah unfortunately that can be a major downside to deckbuilding here: wading through all the nonsense...[/QUOTE]
I agree completely and I don't want advice from people who say 4 of this, 4 of that and 2 of this. I want advice from the people who actually exlain why you need those 4 and 2 and leave like a paragraph explaining it. Those are real mentor's and real deck builders.
[QUOTE=SpippyTheInsane]i actually have a rather odd suggestion[/QUOTE] You're insane... shouldn't all your suggestions be odd? :cool:
Posted 13 July 2011 at 20:21
140 posts
Just to give you guys a few updates on this!
Gary and I have currently been busy on another project, which is just drawing to a close, so we'll soon be putting an end to some of the half finished stuff we had started, this includes:
Image upload (you may have seen some users with it)
Quicker deck building process
Complete database (yes we are missing some sets)
Updated deck types / key word tagging
There is quite a few more bits and pieces which I can't remember off the top of my head. I have no timeframes, but it's all noted down!
In regards to promo art - we can easily add it in, but getting hold of scans is something I'm not sure of. Do any of you have a source?
Hope that helps!
Posted 13 July 2011 at 21:39
1,087 posts
Things I like:
1)General community
2)Few restrictions on deck posting
3)The core group of guys who seem to make it their business to be helpful on every deck they can
Things I dislike:
1)How it's hard to get a deck noticed sometimes. I've had decks generate virtually no interest, and then it finally makes the upcoming list and then it explodes. I think the core problem is that once your deck falls off the front page lists it's basically impossible for someone to find unless they go to your profile and look through your decks.
2) The complete separation of the forum and the vault. I keep forgetting the forum exists actually... In my head, salvation is my forum and vault is my deck database. I should fix that... Alsoo, the only way to get to the forum from the main page is to hit the small Forum link on the left hand side... I went a long time not knowing this site HAD a forum.
Things I want:
1) A better (or any) integration of the vault and the forum. Making your vault and forum profile the same page might be a good start.
2) Some sort of notification when someone comments on a deck. I have ~100 decks, and it's annoying to check them every few days since I can't always remember how many comments each one has.
3) Some sort of way for members to get more officially involved with the vault/official commendation?
Also, the thig about promo scans is a little funny... I googled "MTTG Promo cards" and the 1st result has them.
Posted 16 July 2011 at 06:32
140 posts
Thanks for the link... I'm not about to go and save down 750 images manually, would take me forever :P I was hoping there might be some image pack around for MWS or something :)
Posted 16 July 2011 at 11:55
1,087 posts
Oh, my bad. Sorry xD
Posted 16 July 2011 at 19:12
0 posts
Please tell me if my deck is good
Posted 18 August 2012 at 08:44
41 posts
theres a lot of things i like about this site and not many i can think i dislike off the top of my head but there are some suggestions i have some are probably slightly complicated but ill post them anyway
1. i dont really mind the most popular deck thing but something i think that could be more productive and helpful for newer players like myself is to show some maybe popular or unique cards that they might not know about i spend a lot of time searching through websites by things like oracle text and i still find more amazing cards just by looking through other peoples decks. it'd be nice to have a place devoted to showing off some of magics more unique and interesting cards. maybe even like a card of the day thing or something
2. this would probably be really complicated to add to the site by my friend sent me a link to the deck builder site and the one thing i saw there that really intrigued me was the play test feature i think itd be cool to have something like that here
Posted 19 August 2012 at 08:32
140 posts
Hi zanoa,
Thanks for the suggestions. The site is currently undergoing a revamp and I actually really like your idea and we may even have a bit of a space for it (5 random cards or something).
The playtest feature is a bit of a grey area. Wizards aren't really too fond of you emulating playing decks online, so it's a safer option to not do that rather than risk getting a cease and desist. We have, however, got lots more statistcs and features in the new V3 version of the site due out, when it's finished ;p
Check out our facebook page for some screengrabs and spoilers :)
Posted 20 August 2012 at 15:01
709 posts
I already put this on Facebook, but I'll post it here too:
Maybe also something where you can see similar decks to any given decks, like if something has a certain amount of nonland cards in common with another deck.
Posted 05 September 2012 at 21:28
1,083 posts
when you look at your deck i think it would be nice if artifact lands appeared under lands, rather than artifacts.
Posted 10 September 2012 at 01:02
1,083 posts
on the vault, i want to be able to edit my comments on other peoples decks.
i hate posting something, only to realize i forgot something or spelled something wrong. then i have to copy my whole post. delete it. paste the old post in the box all over again and edit it from there. no fun
Posted 23 September 2012 at 08:28
229 posts
Hello, I like this idea, I'll add a todo for this for v3. It will probably end up being a timed thing, for example "you can edit your comment for the next 30 minutes" or something similar. Thanks for the suggestion! :)
Posted 25 September 2012 at 08:24
21 posts
OK here goes.....
3 things I like..
1) Like the way you can bulk add/search for cards by color, etc
2)Like how you can access the deck challenges from the main page of The Vault.
3)Like how when you ask for suggetions, some users are really good at that and will give you details on what they like/dislike about a deck and make better card suggetions.(wish more would do that)
3 things I dislike..
1)After you post a finished deck, when it leaves the top 25, it seems like it gets lost unless you have alot of friends to "like" so it makes it on the "top decks."Some way to put your deck back in the top 25.
2)Seperation has been mentioned between "the vault" and "the forums." It seems like the forums are more of the driving force of the site. I like building edh decks, so maybe have more articles on edh, then posting decks. What cards are good/bad, etc.
3)The rating's been said, no need to get into it again.
3 things I'd like to see improved/added..
1)When building a deck, more options like standard, modern, legacy, vintage, R/U/G, Dimir U/B, Izzet U/R, etc.
2)Have some sort of Wall on the main page of your profile/decklist, so you can add posts of what you are working on next. Friends could post reply's etc.
3)When searching for deck lists, be able to search for user name, edh, standard, etc. Just different options.
I do like the site, it was the first one I joined to keep my decks. With imporvments, it will only get better.
Posted 27 September 2012 at 19:51
122 posts
3 things I like:
1) I love the site for what it is. I'm just now starting to use the forum after a little while of experiencing the main site.
2) I enjoy the community. I generally feel like the internet has made magic more popular in recent times simply because magic is popular on the internet. Ergo, by association with the nets it's become popular in daily life as well. This just happens to be a physical card game versus a meme. Good Job. :]
3) I love you.
3 things I don't like:
1) A more comprehensive deck search would be fantastic.
2) Post editor for comments, and the ability to edit (saw this last bit was just mentioned).
3) How is the draw order on the sample hand? Left to right, or right to left? It confused me so I stopped using it, and ate a poptart. Add something for us stupid people to be able to see what is going on, or better yet, add a draw function with the deck facedown. Would be cool, no?
3 things I want:
1) The suggestion that I made at the end of my third dislike, which really isn't a dislike.
2) A notification system for when someone replies to a comment // Comments on a deck // Even likes a deck. Trolling on here gets hard when your doing it on five different decks man. I can't keep up with it all! /RememberthatIloveyoubeforeignoringthisrequest.
3)Really can't think of another thing aside from text size. It wouldn't hurt for it to be a few points larger, especially on usernames.
Posted 30 September 2012 at 12:21
0 posts
3 things I like:
3 Things I like:
1)this sites community & how you can talk with each other.
2)the chillout zone
3)the deck valt :)
3 things I don't like:
1)limeted picture in alblums
2)how you have to put the url & can not upload like the alblums
3)I pretty much like every thang eles
3 things I want:
1)ez way to get to foams from deck valt
thats about it:manab::manau::manag::manaw::symchaos::snow::mana2r::manawb::manaub::manaur::manabg::managu::manarw::manabg::manarg::manawg::mana2g::mana2u::manawu::mana2w::manar::manaqm::manan::symtap:
Posted 08 October 2012 at 21:47
122 posts
3 things I want:
1)ez way to get to foams from deck valt
thats about it[/QUOTE]
You can already. It's on the left hand side navigation pane. :]
Posted 11 October 2012 at 18:41
0 posts
oh yeah :o
Posted 18 October 2012 at 22:07
109 posts
3 things I like:
1) The random generator isn't clumping like the old one. Much better.
2) Popup cards much easier to read without having to leave the page
3 things I don't like:
1) There is a friends tab but how do you add/delete friends?
2) Every easy to miss the padlock to lock and unlock decks
3 things I want:
1) I can set my decks to view me / view friends / view everybody
2) When I click on decks, add a My Decks tab
Posted 10 January 2013 at 05:19
1,083 posts
[3 things i like]
-The site looks great.
-Finding interesting decks, combos, cards, etc. that i didnt know about before;
-being able to comment and talk about them
[3 things i don't like]
-veeeery few people tag what format their deck is. It should be mandatory.
I cant explain how much i hate searching through countless nonsense decks.
-not many people like commenting and helping. but everyone wants comments and help..
-no one votes up comments. iv read some seriously great advice on peoples decks and often it'll have no up-votes and if it does it has like 1. Your telling me hundreds of decks get built a day, and there's thousands of users, and everyone is DYING for attention, but when someone actually takes the time out of there day to help out, no one shows their appreciation.
[things i want]
*Mandatory format tagging.* whether its standard, modern, legacy, casual, edh, or whatever. TAG IT. this seems like it would be common sense, but no one does this.
Posted 17 January 2013 at 03:04
1,001 posts
[3 things i don't like]
-veeeery few people tag what format their deck is. It should be mandatory.
I cant explain how much i hate searching through countless nonsense decks.
-not many people like commenting and helping. but everyone wants comments and help..
-no one votes up comments. iv read some seriously great advice on peoples decks and often it'll have no up-votes and if it does it has like 1. Your telling me hundreds of decks get built a day, and there's thousands of users, and everyone is DYING for attention, but when someone actually takes the time out of there day to help out, no one shows their appreciation.
[things i want]
*Mandatory format tagging.* whether its standard, modern, legacy, casual, edh, or whatever. TAG IT. this seems like it would be common sense, but no one does this.[/QUOTE]
I think you have some valid points. One thing I would point out is that v3 really seems to be addressing these already--for instance, format tagging was completely redone, and it is much easier and more visible to search by different parameters than it used to be. Also up-voting comments used to serve little purpose; now it builds reputation. I think much of what you addressed will level itself out now v3 has been launched, it will just take some time.
Posted 23 January 2013 at 14:05
3 posts
3 things I like:
* Nice, clean design - easy navigation, mostly intuitive UI
* Social features (sharing of decks, tagging)
* All HTML (No Flash!)
3 things I don't like:
* No way to do an advanced search of decks by multiple tags
* No way to do an advanced search on deck building page (would love the functionality of on the deck building page itself, rather than having a 2nd tab open to search)
* No metadata (image, title description) for a public deck's page (if sharing to social networks like Facebook/Google+, shows an empty link instead of a rich snippet)
7 things I want:
* Draft Simulator (open X virtual booster packs, create a deck from the pool) (similar to or
* A way to sort your deck by casting cost or color, instead of only card type - to ensure the mana curve is nice, it would be nice to see at a glance the casting costs grouped together
* Something no one does: Search by Guild (only Selesnya, only Simic, etc.) - would be quite helpful during this block for theme/keyword deck building
* Tag suggestions based on card content? (any 100 card singleton deck is likely Commander/EDH, red deck with lots of instant/sorcery = "burn", etc.)
* Select an entire block easily in 1-click (All sets in Standard, for example, rather than having to Ctrl-click RTR, GTC, DGM, M13, ISD, DKA, AVR)
* Suggested cards based on cards already in your deck as you're building (based on keywords/limitations/mechanics/?)
* A responsive design for the site to be easily readable / navigable on mobile devices (phones, tablets) - being able to reference a deck I built on the go and potentially pull up cards I have to purchase while I'm at a store would be very nice indeed
All in all I'm very impressed with MTGVault. I've told my MTG friends to sign up and look forward to future features and updates. Hope this feedback helps!
Posted 01 May 2013 at 14:20
1,801 posts
The old vault had the advanced search as one of two ways to add a card actually, it was either that or bulk import for making your decks. I miss the search feature, but for me the new system works brilliantly too. A lot of times the longest part of assembling a deck was spent traversing the search pages, so while I miss it when I'm brewing, I don't when I'm just listing something I use.
Posted 04 May 2013 at 01:27
140 posts
Thanks for the feedback guys, really appreciate it.
You can still add cards from the card search page, on the right hand side there's an "Add To Deck" button, which does a small modal window and you can add from there too. :) So while it's not quite on the page for that deck, you can add to any of your decks from the card search page!
I'll look at the meta data. They all have descriptions and page titles, so should work! Will do some testing :)
In regards to filtering by multi tags, if you choose deck tags and then search like this [standard] [red], it'll show all decks with either tags. It's not a known feature, because I've not had the chance to test it that much! The same should work with cards [birds of paradise] [forest], but again, it's not very well tested :P
I love all the other suggestions and will be working on some of them v shortly ;) So stay tuned and thanks again! Spread the word :P
Posted 04 May 2013 at 21:17
3 posts
[QUOTE=Ian]I'll look at the meta data. They all have descriptions and page titles, so should work! Will do some testing :)
It looks like the og:image is pointing to a relative URL instead of an absolute one. Example:
<meta property="og:image" content="/images/cards/51x51/RTR/drainpipe-vermin.jpg" />
should instead be
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
FYI, Facebook requires a minimum image size of 200x200, so that might also be an issue even once it finds the image path.
Here's their debugger for more help.
Posted 08 May 2013 at 22:14
140 posts
Hopefully the metadata is a bit better now. Facebook does indeed moan about it not being 200x200, but I can't fix that for now. It works fine on G+! Added in og:url, which I think may have been causing an issue. It's moaning about something on the like button, so going to look at that next :p
Posted 10 May 2013 at 12:01
3 posts
Nice. Glad I could help!
Posted 10 May 2013 at 14:13
349 posts
Can we have some extra goodies to go with the Draw Sample Hand feature?
- draw next card would be great so that you can simulate a game (you should be able to keep pressing this button to keep drawing from the deck.). has it and I use it a lot to simulate while building.
once that is in place these could be fun as well (but less important)
- look at the top X cards
- rearrange top X cards
- shuffle deck
- Each card in hand having a Discard and a Put on library option
these would go a long way for deck simulation
Posted 17 May 2013 at 10:47
140 posts
Cheers for the ideas Seth. I don't want to get anyone too excited, but I'm working on a proper "goldfisher", similar to what tappedout provides. This'll allow you to simulate playing the deck and the best thing is you'll always win! ;)
It's in very early stages, but it's my main project at the minute :)
Posted 17 May 2013 at 10:50
212 posts
[QUOTE=Ian] and the best thing is you'll always win! ;)
Do we get anything for winning?
Posted 17 May 2013 at 11:37
140 posts
I might be able to stretch to a thumbs up icon, or maybe a smiley face!
Posted 17 May 2013 at 13:31
349 posts
maybe the sound of someone tearing up griselbrand, that must be a liberating sound
Posted 17 May 2013 at 14:58
3 posts
Another idea that would be really helpful:
I usually have 4-5 decks constructed that I use each week. It would be nice to mark which of those decks I have built here on as "Currently Playing", so that I can keep track of which decks I have built and are using at the moment. I've already got 39 decks built on mtgvault, so I'm starting to forget which ones are which.
From a history perspective, it would also allow me to see which decks I'm playing the most of, or what colors/combos. I'd almost liken it to when you have a playlist in iTunes comprised of only songs you haven't heard in a while - it would be neat to be able to pull out decks that haven't had their time to shine in the spotlight enough.
Just a small, organizational feature that would help for keeping track of things.
Posted 23 May 2013 at 13:55
349 posts
Mana Curve filtering
for instance, see the curve for type creature or for instant + sorcery
Posted 12 June 2013 at 11:51
5 posts
• I'd prefer, instead of the filtering by color of the card, the filtering by the color of mana needed to cast the card (e.g.: if i select "green only" i should find cards with hybrid mana (:manawg:) but not multi-colored ones (:manaw::manag:)
• That would be much better if also the moving from/to sideboard would be made without refreshing, like when deleting a card from the list
• A "considered but not included" list, to put cards which you're unsure of but want to have at-hand
• When searching, multiple choice of data presentation: I'd like preview-only, which takes much less space and if you know the cards at a glance is more than enough
• In deck testing, make possible to actually play a game (with no opponent, or one controlled by yourself. With any other deck from the site)
Not easy things, but good ideas that I would find very useful :)
Posted 15 October 2013 at 21:32
0 posts
3 things I like:
1) Lovely aesthetic and elegant interface (much better than a couple other deck building sites I've seen) and card art loads quickly!!!! <33333
2) Comprehensive stats presented perfectly (super easy to read at a glance)
3) Easy and fun to share my decks
3 things I don't like:
1) Not mobile-friendly (popups try to center in such a way that they are off the screen; Galaxy S III, Droid 4.1.2)
2) Header fonts are a little large
3) Not easy for a newbie like me to easily discern why my deck is not legal for a certain format
3 things I want:
1) Android app or mobile version of the site
2) 'Clone this deck' button/link
3) Legality filters are links that separate which cards in the deck are not legal for which formats
Posted 28 October 2013 at 21:28
0 posts
I would like to have the extended legality removed as it is not in play any more.
Posted 10 November 2013 at 16:41
140 posts
Apologies I haven't replied individually to all these suggestions. Thanks for them all, and as you can see we're slowly rolling some of them out!
Posted 15 November 2013 at 23:50
212 posts
3 things I like:
1) Site is easy to navigate and operate
2) Search allows me to find cards I didn't know I needed
3)Ability to share decks with friends and get feedback
3 things I don't like:
1) Search always sorts alphabetically
2) Can only view up to 50 search results at a time
3) No tokens
3 things I want:
1) Better deck testing system
2) Pro tips on each card (unlikely, I know)
3) Maybe a draft simulator?
Posted 06 December 2013 at 15:06
1 post
While building my 1st deck, I got an error. It says that Day of Judgement is not in your database? How can this be?
Posted 17 December 2013 at 22:41
278 posts
Can you add a speed feature on the deck?
let me explain:
take the number of cards in the deck (X)
the number of lands (Y)
the addition of all mana cost in the deck (Z)
so lets say "swords to plowshares" for 1 + "shivan dragon" for 6 = 7 and so on...
So let's say this deck :
If I do this calculation, I obtain : 64/(60-20) = 1.6
Which means, most of my spells cost approximatively 1.6 mana...
So the speed of the deck could be shown near the mana occurence.
Another thing with the mana occurence, why don't you show the colorless mana too... it could help to do the calculation of speed too!
Then, like the pie chart, you could show the approximative speed of all deck combined together to show if a player play mostly fast deck, or slow...
other subject : Deck showing as multicolor.. or not.
If I have a mono blue deck and add a split mana cost card... then my whole deck become UW... We should have the option of showing a deck in whatever color we like... lets say 2 buttons
Auto (shows colors depending on the mana cost like actually)
Mono (shows the deck in its most common color with the mana occurence)
so if I have 3R, 44U, 2B, 0G, 3W... the deck will be shown blue.
Then, the general pie chart should represent the decks with the chosen colors... Or to be more precise, as a ratio of each mana occurence of each deack...
Posted 19 December 2013 at 15:49
278 posts
[QUOTE=postalmarine]While building my 1st deck, I got an error. It says that Day of Judgement is not in your database? How can this be?[/QUOTE]
Because its : Day of Judgment, not Day of Judgement
Posted 19 December 2013 at 15:50
943 posts
Things I like:
1) That I can post my decks and remember them.
2) That you can see other people's decks and discuss them
3) That it is really easy to do stuff
Things I want you to add:
1)make it so I can play against friends with decks on the vault.
2) If you click a card on a deck for example, It shows other cards viewed by people who looked at that card.
3) as others have said, List decks in catagories, like put the infect deck section, and the EDH deck section, and the tribal section.
Over all, I love the vault and tallking with others. :)
Posted 02 February 2014 at 01:25
1 post
The site is great. I will keep this short. The suggestion which if it doesn't get done is cool by me but are you able to change the pie chart to more distinguishable colors when testing the deck and comparing percentage of what you have in the deck (deck stats and draw sample hand).
Posted 21 August 2014 at 05:01
876 posts
Three things I like:
1) I like that you can get improvement for decks and help others improve
2) That you can search for decks or cards for inspiration
3)The mtgvault community
Three things I don't like
1) When I get a notification I can't alwayse tell what the new comment(s) are
2) If decks don't get popular immediately they practically disappear into the void
3) The website can be very buggy.
Three things I want to add
1) Better search perimeters for decks and cards. For example the ability to search instants and sorceries, or o be able to exclude lands when searching colourless
2) Being able to play test decks against eachother
3) Have a few different hot pages for the common styles of playing. It would use deck tags to do this, encouraging tagging while we're at it. For example, there would be a hot page for casual, competitive EDH, one for regular playing, pauper, maybe even challenge decks
Over all, this is a great website though.
Posted 30 July 2016 at 17:07
140 posts
Hopefully now we've got the forums back, we can get some more bugs etc reported in the relevant area. It wasn't very often that people ventured to Facebook to let us know about the issues.
Number 2 on your wants is a tough one, as Wizards have always been pretty harsh on being able to play for free.
Number 3. Agree, we need to revamp the homepage(s) !!
Thanks for your input!
Posted 31 July 2016 at 20:14
876 posts
Maybe not playtesting against other players. I get being harsh about that, I guess. But would a playtest against no opponent work, where you just see how it works
Posted 01 August 2016 at 19:17
4,543 posts
I think what he's suggesting is something like a slightly more sophisticated form of Goldfishing, where you could input a deck to goldfish against your deck.
Posted 02 August 2016 at 05:13
2,320 posts
3 things I like:
1) Easy way to build and organize my decks online
2) Calcualtion of Manacurves and mana symbol distribution
3) Casual atmosphere
3 things I don't like:
1) Broken Hot Page algorythm respectively the focus on the Hot page (in parts fault of the com)
2) Lack of ways to describe/tag decks properly
3) I get notified about decks that have new comments but no way to see which is new. In decks with longer conversations a new comment could be waaaay up.
3 things I want:
1) More tags respectively additional fixed tags for thing like formats:
2) Less emphasize on hot page (should not be on front) and a better algorythm that doesn't keep decks there forever.
3) Seperate hot/unloved/active/new sections for formats and/or casual. This could be done in conjunction with the additional tags. Maybe it's sufficient to give the use and option to filter the hot, new, unloved and active sections by format etc.
Why do I have Garys avatar?
Posted 01 August 2016 at 09:51
92 posts
3 things I like:
1)Consistent Card database.
2)Easy interface when making decks.
3)Shows me deck ramp while making deck.
3 things I don't like:
1)Links don't really work unless you copy and paste
2)A lot of things on the site feel outdated and should be updated like comment system, feels a bit janky
3 things I want:
1)Instead of Hot page being the main page Active decks page is main page this way more decks cycle through but not too much. Maybe we could have a deck of the week where people could vote for a deck and deck with most votes at end of week becomes deck of week? This could inspire people to make decks that could just throw people on their asses.
2)I would like to see a play test feature like tappedout has. It's sorta like playing with just your own deck seeing the possibility. Cause ideally a deck could be good but in reality fail or other way around.
3)Cards like viewed Card, When I view a card I want it to recommend cards like the current card like say I am viewing serum visions I want it to show cards like it so it shows Preordain, Ponder, etc.
Posted 03 August 2016 at 02:48
11 posts
3 things I like:
1) The user interface is intuitive.
2) The site aesthetics are easy on the eyes without being boring.
3) The card image pops up on mouse rollover when looking at a deck (other sites don't show the card image or allocate too much screen space to always show a card image).
3 things I don't like:
1) New sets take too long to show up in the database (Conspiracy: Take the Crown still isn't available almost 2 weeks after its release).
2) Decks can't be sorted or filtered easily (Deck tags kind of solve the problem, but require too much clicking and limit filtering options).
3) Can't search based on multiple text fields at once (search for all humans with vigilance)
3 things I want:
1) Ideally, I'd love to have access to new sets as soon as the official spoilers are all revealed. At least within the first week of release would be good.
2) I'd like to be able to filter and sort my decks and have the site remember my last filter/sort criteria every time I click the "My Decks" button.
3) I'd like to search multiple text fields at once.
I've used this site since I first learned to play Magic and really like it. However, I am actively looking for another site to move my deck building to because I want to build decks with the latest sets. The other things would just be nice to have.
Posted 06 September 2016 at 21:51
140 posts
Hey Ricker, we usually have the new sets available before even pre-release happens. This is 95% the case with standard sets (if you know what I mean). CN2 came at an awkward time, so we've not been able to get it in within a decent time frame, sorry.
Posted 12 September 2016 at 10:17
16 posts
darkside099 has deleted this comment.
Posted 09 September 2016 at 10:29
7 posts
3 things I like:
1) Easy to use interface. This is my favorite website to build decks.
2) Seeing the value of my deck/cards.
3) In general, the whole site just loads way faster than other websites I've tried using.
3 things I don't like:
1) When I start a new deck, then close the website, then come back, the box where I type in cards I want to add is closed by default (it's open by default before I close the website after starting a new deck), forcing me to click Add Card multiple times if I don't build my entire deck in one sitting (I add cards one at a time).
2) Not adding new sets sooner (at least add them by launch day)
3) That this site isn't more popular. It deserves to be more popular! :)
3 things I want:
1) A collection tab? I'd love to keep track of what my entire (yes, ENTIRE) collection is worth, but not have to list it as a deck. Maybe a way for the website to know what cards you have to build a deck based on what's on the collection list.
2) Land symbol occurrence chart, preferably in sync with the mana symbol occurrence chart.
3) A number showing average for mana curve (so I can make cuts to lower mana curves if needed)
Posted 13 November 2016 at 02:24
20 posts
3 things I like:
1) The web usability. I switch from another site because I like yours much better. Deck building is good. Deck cloning is great! Card searching with price listing is convenient. Tags are very helpful. Drawing sample hands keeps me using the site for hours on end. Deck descriptions, play style descriptions, and commenting on other users' decks help the community build rapport. I could go on and on. All in all, a good site.
2) Free accounts. This is taken for granted in this day and age. I've dealt with publishers who--quite understandably--charge for their services. I like the ability to use something without it costing me a dime, but a lot of people expect things to be free these days. They complain when it's not and don't take the time to appreciate it when it is, so thank you for providing this site free of charge.
3) Helping others with their decks. I like sharing tips and tricks with people on how they might improve their decks based on my own experience.
3 things I don't like:
1) Adding new cards to a deck. I like the feature, it's just that I need to refresh the page after I add a new card before I try to move something to or from the side board, or else it ends up adding the card to both areas. Not sure if this is because of your site or just the slow internet connection on my end, but it's not a big deal.
2) Removing cards from a deck. It's a good feature, but I need to refresh the page after each change in order to get the correct count. Again, not sure if this is because of your site or my slow internet, but it's no big deal.
3) Can't unlike decks. Not sure if I'm just not clicking the right button, but I can't seem to unlike previously liked decks.
None of these dislikes are deal-breakers. I'm not one to complain about a free service, especially one that works as well as this one. I'm just providing the feedback you requested.
3 things I want (I only want one: An MGTVault app for Android and iOS, and here's three reasons why I think an app would be great):
1) As far as I can tell, there is no MTG utility which is both a website and an app, at least not for iOS anyway. If you did this, you'd be the only one doing it, and that could significantly increase your user population.
2) Syncing an app with this website would be extremely convenient. Right now, I have to make changes to my decks on both the app I'm using and this website. It's very tedious and typically takes a few looks before I get them matched. Managing EDH decks this way is a real pain. I would love to make changes on one and have it sync to the other. It would be really cool to make changes on the app while offline and have it sync to the website the next time I'm online.
3) If you did create an app, I would like see features such as deck building, advanced card searching, trading, card rulings, images of cards and up-to-date errata (which can be held in memory for offline use), TCG Player pricing, wish lists, and anything else you think might be useful. Given all an MTGVault app could provide, it would be reasonable to make certain features in-app purchases.
I hope this is the kind of feedback you're looking for. Thank you for providing a service which I use for one of my favorite aspects of MTG. Keep up the good work, and I hope to hear about development of an MTGVault app soon!
Posted 17 October 2017 at 19:33
9 posts
I'd like Iconic Masters to be added.
Posted 01 December 2017 at 22:22
2 posts
Hi zanoa,
Thanks for the suggestions. The site is currently undergoing a reconstruct and I actually really like your good idea and we may even have a bit of space for it. We have, however, got lots more statistics and features in the new V3 version of the site due out, when it's finished ;p
Check out our site and any suggestion please tell me: for some screengrabs and spoilers :)
Posted 03 January 2020 at 11:09
1 post
Ajna0443 has deleted this comment.
Posted 15 February 2020 at 22:34
1 post
I'd like to request Duel Decks: Elves vs. Inventors and the 1st Commander Anthology be added to the database. I'm a stickler for adding the correct cards to my lists and those are not an option to pick from.
Posted 15 February 2020 at 23:09
1 post
I apologize for this being out of format, it is because I am very new here and don't find much differences yet from other deck hosting sites. but I will say the Bulk Deck transfer is difficult to use. Frequently get back "this card is not in our database" but then I find them just fine on the individual card search.
Posted 12 August 2024 at 05:36
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