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Deck Challange: A new old deck

Hello, All! This is a deck challenge about remembering, an old deck that was the deck to play. It is now, sadly, only legal in eternal formats. If you are stil guessing, it was legal in the skullclamp prime time, and was clearly the best deck of the time (coming from me, a completley unbias source).
If your still guessing here another clue.
Oh,god im too exicted - here it is ....
ELF AND NAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, after the cheering has died down, i will explain the actual challenge.

in its time, it was a fab deck. However, after all this time many great cards have been released. So i would like you to Make the deck again, using new cards to make it as effective as possible. It should be legacy or vintage legal, green, maybe multi coloured? Some cards to consider: Emrakul, elvish archdruid, e.t.c.

Mainly though, have fun!
Posted 17 December 2010 at 19:47


Here's my version. Though didn't find any new cards that could do this or even rules to apply it. But at the time it was when you could play limitless ammount of copies this was best... about 17-18 years ago :D

Posted 18 December 2010 at 18:34


Nice, but unoriginal, and not particularly feasable.
Posted 19 December 2010 at 10:24



It's actually the first "best" deck ever created so I'd say it's truly an original ...

Your saying is meaningless
Posted 19 December 2010 at 18:33
