Discussion Forum

Why Isn't My Deck on the Front Page?

My "Boros Warfare" Deck has had more than enough Likes to be on the front page for a while now, and I don't understand why it isn't on there. Is it because it was made before the Patch?
Posted 27 November 2010 at 13:25


My first guess is that the deck was actually popular before we put the top decks live. I calculated decks current scores based on the likes/comments/quality etc the deck had already earned and if this meant the deck was made popular then it would go on the top decks list... only problem with this is that first list was then ordered by score, highest first so yours may well have not been on the homepage. Unfortunately a deck can only be made popular once, so yes the decks like this one that were made popular before the new top decks page went live will be casualties of war and never get to the homepage.
Posted 28 November 2010 at 14:45
