Discussion Forum

Venser...Any Ideas?

I know this thread probably should have been posted earlier (and maybe it has been, if so, my apologies), but I'm just looking for a deck that completely abuses Venser, the Sojourner. I'm mainly looking at his +2 ability, but if you could also get some synergy with his -1 and -8 that would be more than okay. Bonus points for originality.

Happy deck building.
Posted 17 November 2010 at 04:29


use the glimmerpoint stag and the precursor for more artifacts or just to bounce your opponents creatures until the end of THERE turn. or use cards like arcane laboratory to limit your opponent and then bounce it with venser and play as many spells as you want to.
Posted 17 November 2010 at 15:53


I am not sure how it would play out but I think it would be really cool to start bouncing clone shell and exiling a new card each turn. If it works, this could be combined with scrying cards to get the best of the top 4 cards onto the field and then sacrifice the shell with either shape anew (into another clone shell if that is the only artifact) or solemn offering (can't use revoke existence). Maybe it is too slow but I think it would be a fun kinda polymorph into some monster Eldrazi or something.
Posted 18 November 2010 at 19:34
